Disconnected from the server. Reload

Hi all,

I am using shiny app and managed to create an interesting map without a problem on Rstudio, but when I publish it I am getting "Disconnected from the server: Reload" in seconds, evethough the I set the waiting time to 60s. I am getting this error without any information on the log or rstudio. Can any one help how to fix this.


# URLs for the NetCDF files on the server
url_data_nc <- "https://dap.ceda.ac.uk/thredds/dodsC/badc/hydro-jules/data/Global_drought_indices/MSWEP_hPET/Africa/Africa_spei01.nc"
url_data2_nc <- "https://dap.ceda.ac.uk/thredds/dodsC/badc/hydro-jules/data/Global_drought_indices/MSWEP_hPET/Africa/Africa_spei03.nc"
# Load raster stacks
r_list <- list(

ui <- fluidPage(
    #map {
      cursor: pointer;
           leafletOutput("map", width = "100%", height = "900px")
           style = "position: absolute; right: 10px; bottom: 150px;",
           absolutePanel(bottom = 500, left = 10, 
                         selectInput("file_select", "Select file", choices = c("spei01.nc", "spei03.nc"), width = "150px")),
           absolutePanel(bottom  = 500, left = 200, selectInput("layer_select", "Select date", choices = NULL, width = "150px")),
           downloadButton("time_series_download", "Download Time Series Data")

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # Update layer dropdown when file is selected
  observeEvent(input$file_select, {
    file_name <- input$file_select
    r <- r_list[[which(file_name == c("spei01.nc", "spei03.nc"))]]
    updateSelectInput(session, "layer_select", choices = names(r))
  # Display values when the user clicks on the map
  output$click_info <- renderPrint({
    click <- input$map_click
    if (is.null(click))
    file_name <- input$file_select
    r <- r_list[[which(file_name == c("spei01.nc", "spei03.nc"))]]
    clicked_point <- c(click$lng, click$lat)
    lon <- clicked_point[1]
    lat <- clicked_point[2]
    # Determine the index of the clicked point
    ncfile <- nc_open(url_data_nc)  # Use the first file for metadata
    # Specify the longitude and latitude coordinates
    var_name <- "spei"  # Replace with the actual variable name in your NetCDF file
    lon_index <- which.min(abs(lon - ncfile$dim$lon$vals))
    lat_index <- which.min(abs(lat - ncfile$dim$lat$vals))
    # Specify the time indices for the desired period
    start_time_index <- 1
    end_time_index <- 492
    values_list <- list()
    # Loop through the time indices and extract values
    for (time_index in start_time_index:end_time_index) {
      values <- ncvar_get(ncfile, var_name, 
                          start = c(lon = lon_index, lat = lat_index, time = time_index), 
                          count = c(1, 1, 1))
      values[is.na(values)] <- 1e30  # Replace NA with a specific value
      values_list[[time_index]] <- values
    values_ts <- unlist(values_list)
    # print(values_ts)
    value_str <- ifelse(is.na(values_ts), "NA", sprintf("%.2f", values_ts))
    cat("SPEI: ", "Lat:", round(click$lat, 2), "Lon:", round(click$lng, 2))
  output$map <- renderLeaflet({
    file_name <- input$file_select
    r <- r_list[[which(file_name == c("spei01.nc", "spei03.nc"))]]
    r_subset <- r[[input$layer_select]]
    # Clamp values to the range [-3.0, 3.0]
    r_subset <- clamp(r_subset, upper = 3.0, lower = -3.0)
    # Define color palette
    color_pal <- colorNumeric(c("#67001f", "#a50026","#d73027","#f46d43", "#fdae61","#fee090","#ffffbf","#e0f3f8","#abd9e9",
                                "#74add1","#4575b4","#313695", "#313695"), domain = c(-3.01, 3.01),
                              na.color = "transparent")
    leaflet() %>% 
      addTiles() %>%
      addRasterImage(r_subset, colors = color_pal, opacity = .7) %>%
      addLegend(pal = color_pal, values = values(r_subset),
                title = "spei") #%>%
    #addPolygons(data = shape, color = "black", fill = FALSE, weight = 1) %>%
    #addPolygons(data = boundary, color = "black", fill = FALSE, weight = 1)#%>%
    #addPolylines(data = rivers, color = "blue", weight = 1)
  values_ts <- reactiveVal()
  observeEvent(input$map_click, {
    click <- input$map_click
    if (!is.null(click)) {
      file_name <- input$file_select
      r <- r_list[[which(file_name == c("spei01.nc", "spei03.nc"))]]
      # Extract the clicked latitude and longitude
      clicked_point <- c(click$lng, click$lat)
      lon <- clicked_point[1]
      lat <- clicked_point[2]
      # Determine the index of the clicked point
      ncfile <- nc_open(url_data_nc)  # Use the first file for metadata
      # Specify the longitude and latitude coordinates
      var_name <- "spei"  # Replace with the actual variable name in your NetCDF file
      lon_index <- which.min(abs(lon - ncfile$dim$lon$vals))
      lat_index <- which.min(abs(lat - ncfile$dim$lat$vals))
      # Specify the time indices for the desired period
      start_time_index <- 1
      end_time_index <- 504 
      values_list <- list()
      # Loop through the time indices and extract values
      for (time_index in start_time_index:end_time_index) {
        values <- ncvar_get(ncfile, var_name, 
                            start = c(lon = lon_index, lat = lat_index, time = time_index), 
                            count = c(1, 1, 1))
        values[is.na(values)] <- 1e30  # Replace NA with a specific value
        values_list[[time_index]] <- values
      values_ts <- as.numeric(unlist(values_list))
      # Show the time series plot in a modal dialog
        title = "Time Series Plot"
  output$time_series_plot <- renderPlotly({
    ts <- values_ts ()# Retrieve the extracted time series
    if (!is.null(ts)) {
      data <- data.frame(Date = seq(as.Date("1981-01-01"), as.Date("2022-12-01"), by = "month"),
                         Value = ts)
      lm_model <- lm(Value ~ as.numeric(as.Date(Date)), data)
      plot_ly(data, x = ~Date, y = ~Value, type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines+markers') %>%
        layout(title = "Time Series Plot", xaxis = list(title = "Date"), yaxis = list(title = "spei"))%>%
        add_lines(x = ~Date, y = ~predict(lm_model, newdata = data), 
                  name = "Trend Line", line = list(color = "red"))
  output$time_series_download <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste("time_series_data", ".csv", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      ts <- values_ts()
      if (!is.null(ts)) {
        data <- data.frame(Date = seq(as.Date("1981-01-01"), as.Date("2022-12-01"), by = "month"),
                           Value = ts)
        write.csv(data, file, row.names = FALSE)

shinyApp(ui, server)

after this I used rsconnect::deployApp(appDir = "C:/test/apps/data/", appPrimaryDoc = "pubApp.R", account = "solhailu", server = "shinyapps.io", appName = "Afroo") to publish the app.