This is probably a very simple answer that i have not been able to find a clear example
I have a shiny app which connects to a DB runs some operations based on user input
When the user exits the app i would like the connection to close
There is a bit of a workaround where i can open a close the connection to the DB everytime an operation is executed but it seems a bit inefficient
In any shiny app i have created thus far, i have added a line of code into the server section that says session$onSessionEnded(stopApp)
which kills the session when the user exits the app
Is there a method i can use which will allow me to somehow add RJDBC::dbDisconnect(con)
where con is my connection when the user closes the app
Here is a non working example to show what i am trying to do
DB connection
The code below connects to a mysql db, inserts some records and then exits
# We will try and insert some records based on the IRIS DB
# Connect to the MYSQL DB
con <- dbConnect(RMariaDB::MariaDB(), host = "", "port" = 9999, dbname = "example",
user = "foo", password = "foo1234")
# Inserts some values into the DB
str_update_table <- sprintf("INSERT INTO t_temp VALUES ('%.2f','%.2f','%.2f','%.2f','%s')",
iris$Sepal.Length, iris$Sepal.Width, iris$Petal.Length,
iris$Petal.Width, iris$Species)
# Update the table t_temp based on the SQL above
purrr::walk(str_update_table, function(x) dbSendUpdate(con, x))
Thank you for your time