Different Theil-Sen Slope Estimator p-values

Hello all,

I'm trying to do some trend analysis using a Theil-Sen slope estimator. Currently, I've seen two methods using the Theil-Sen function from the (amazing) open-air package, and using the mblm package. When I run the functions, they show virtually the same slope, but for whatever reason, they show completely different p-values and y-intercepts, which change the intrepetation of the results. It seems clear to me that the p-value and intercept are being calculated differently between the two functions, but I can't find in the code that would lead to such a signicant difference. Any ideas where this difference could be?

Openair Version

TheilSen(filter(LWCLoadingData, Year > 2008 & Year < 2018), pollutant = "TOCMass", date.format = "%Y", avg.time = "year", statistic = "median")

slope = 8.362
intercept = -189.6

Using the MBLM package

  filter(Year < 2018 & Year > 2008)%>%
  summarise(across(where(is.numeric), median, na.rm = TRUE))

MedianMBLM<-mblm(TOCMass~Year, dataframe = MedianTrends, repeated = FALSE)

slope = 8.369
intercept = -16675.723

The Theil-Sen and dplyr code are using the exact same median values, so the differences don' seem to be there. Any help would be appreciated here.

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