Hello everyone,
currently, I practise the handling with RStudio. My Prof. teached us to do a "DiD"-regression for the following formula:
LogHausPreis= Beta0 + Beta1Nähe +u
So the question is, which variables do I need to analyzie the "percentage price impact of an incinerator in the near of a house". The dataset belongs to Wooldridge: Wooldridge
In my opinion, I need "price" (selling price) and "dist" (distance to incinerator). I did the corresponding regressions, but my Prof. has other results and I don`t find the mistakes
Maybe someone has an Idea? Maybe somebody already worked with this database?
THANK YOU, Christine
Great!! For Level-Level and Log-Level you have the same results like me and you work with the same variables. This means my results should be correct! Thank You!
According the topic which belongs to DiD, I have to speak with my Prof. But my Idea is, if you do a DiD regression, you will have the same results like me, because you work with the same variables.
I suspect you are supposed to include a dummy for the year and for being near the incinerator. That's what is done in the Wooldridge textbook.
I would also suggest that before asking for homework help with your R code that you show us what regression you want run. Then people can give help on how to implement that in R.