in my currently developed package I want to use data for unit testing with testthat.
I read in R Packages that the recommended solution is to put it into the tests directory.
Additionally, I read this thread on Stackoverflow.
I put it in
- tests/testdata. Later I also tried it in
- inst/testdata and
- inst/extdata.
In one of my testfiles I test a function that gets the directory where the test data lives as argument. I provided this directory using
- "tests/testdata":
test_that("Length of value", {
directory_input = "tests/testdata",
region_name_spatcov = "france",
eumohp_version = "v013.1.1"
- system.file("tests/testdata", package = "my-package")
test_that("Length of value", {
directory_input = system.file("tests/fixtures", package = "eumohpclipr"),
region_name_spatcov = "france",
eumohp_version = "v013.1.1"
- here::here("tests/testdata")
test_that("Length of value", {
directory_input = here::here("tests/testdata"),
region_name_spatcov = "france",
eumohp_version = "v013.1.1"
When running the test using devtools::test() everything is fine but when running devtools::check() or using control + shift + E this directory is not found. After printing the root directory during testing it seems that the directory "test" doesn't exist, at least at the time R-CMD-CHECK runs the tests. I know too little about R-CMD-CHECK, but this seems like a little bit too magical :-).
I didn't expect this to be an edge case, but from the usual web research it seems like it.
I would really appreciate any hint. Thanks a lot!