I'm using RStudio 2023.09.0+463 to make a package, but on installing the package the documentation using devtools::document or roxygenise() will not run. I'm using the default "hello world" package which is created when you initiate a new package project from Rstudio.
The code in R/hello.R looks as so:
#' A header line for your package
#' @name hello
#' @description A simple function that prints a welcome Test10
#` @return Prints "Hello, world!"`
#' @examples
#' hello()
#' @export
hello <- function() {
print("Hello, world!")
"Use devtools package functions if available" is checked in "Configure build tools" , but running "Install" will not produce roxygen2 type documentation.
If I check "Generate documentation with Roxygen" it will work, but only once. If modify and hit Install a second time nothing is generated, and looking in "Configure build tools" the Roxygen checkbox is now unchecked (I can't keep it checked).
I reinstalled roxygen2 and devtools already.
Any help would be appreciated. I tried using a old version of Rstudio and this seems to work fine.
Update I just rolled back a version of Rstudio and it works as expected. Looks like a bug?