DevOps for Data Scientists Workshop - posit::conf 2023

This post describes pre-workshop setup necessary for the workshop:

Devops for Data Scientists
at posit::conf 2023
Sep 17-18, 2023

Please make sure to fill out this questionnaire prior to the start of the workshop -

We highly encourage you to set up your laptop prior to the start of the workshop:

  1. Install git on your laptop. You can check if git is already installed by typing git --version in the terminal.

  2. If you do not have a github account please create one.

  3. Make sure that you have a text editor that you are comfortable using. For example, Rstudio IDE, vscode, or sublime.

  4. Create an account at Docker Hub.

  5. Download Docker Desktop.

  6. If you’ve never used Linux before, please watch this 18 minute introductory video. We will be starting the workshop with some Linux exercises for those that need a refresher or are beginners.

We will be using Discord as our main communication method! To make the process go smoothly:

  • Please sign up for an account if you don’t already have one.
  • Make sure your display name is the one you used to register for the conference.
  • In your “About Me”, put the name of your workshop(s).

Closer to the start of the conference, we will invite you to the posit::conf Discord server. Once you’ve accepted the invite, we will add you to the channel(s) for your conf workshop(s).

Use this thread if you need any help or clarification.


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