In my app I'm using the following module-calling pattern:
myModule_server <- function(input, output, session){
callback <- reactiveVal()
observeEvent(input$addTabButton, {
# Names are based on currently opened tab count, e.g. tab_(n+1)
newName <- generateName()
# getui produces ui with correctly specified NS based on newName
tabUI <- tabPanel(getui(newName), title = newName)
appendTab('tabset', tabUI, select = TRUE)
callModule(module = tabModule, id = newName, callback)
observeEvent(input$removeTabButton, {
tabValue = getTabValue() #Irrelevant how
removeTab('tabset', tabValue)
observeEvent(callback(), {
# do some stuff with output from any tab (tabModule returns id-value combination)
tabModule <- function(input, output, session, callback){
That is adding new tab to tabset on button click with namespaced UI part, and calling module. Then destroying tab with another button's click.
The issue is that after destroying a tab and making a new one, I'm running callModule with the id previously used before. And, by entering the tabModule, I discovered that states of reactives inside have been preserved from the previous call.
While generating unique IDs with every new tab is not a problem, it bothers me that there are environments left somewhere for each tab module and those nested inside it. Is it possible to clean up reactive domains?
Since the question is theoretical, I thought I'll have a better shot with a short schematic example, sacrificing reproducibility.