Deployment to Posit Cloud

Hi All

I'm having difficulty deploying a quarto HTML project to Posit cloud. I got the following message:

Error: Could not build image (image_id=8936925): Task image-build failed, task=1325891759, status=failed, error=Application mode quarto-static not supported. Execution halted

Does anyone have any insight into this message? I would love to hear any suggestions you may have!



Hi JC,

Where are you publishing the document from? Is this from Posit Cloud itself, or from the RStudio IDE (Desktop)?

If this is a document that you have published before and you're using the Publish button, you might want to do Clear List and try again.


1 Like

Hi Omar

Thank you for your response. I followed the instructions you provided, however, I am still receiving the same error message.

Below is the deployment track console. It may be of assistance.



`Set RETICULATE_PYTHON_FALLBACK = "/Users/jcquiroz/anaconda3/bin/python"
----- Deployment log started at 2023-08-10 14:58:04.416323 -----
Deploy command:
rsconnect::deployApp(appDir = "~/Documents/consulting/Pesca Chile/analisis_pesca_chile", appFileManifest = "/var/folders/bw/7jhnj7t5621cf_v__phfkx1h0000gn/T/1511-29d0-6f6b-fb84", appPrimaryDoc = "explo_2023.qmd", appSourceDoc = "~/Documents/consulting/Pesca Chile/analisis_pesca_chile/explo_2023.qmd", account = "jcquiroz", server = "", appName = "e_2023", appTitle = "E_2023", launch.browser = function(url) { message("Deployment completed: ", url) }, lint = FALSE, metadata = list(quarto_version = "1.3.353", quarto_engines = I(c("knitr")), asMultiple = FALSE, asStatic = FALSE), logLevel = "verbose")

Session information:
R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16)
Platform: aarch64-apple-darwin22.4.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Ventura 13.4.1

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/openblas/0.3.23/lib/libopenblasp-r0.3.23.dylib
LAPACK: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/r/4.3.1/lib/R/lib/libRlapack.dylib; LAPACK version 3.11.0

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

time zone: America/Santiago
tzcode source: internal

attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] compiler_4.3.1 rsconnect_0.8.29
[1] "None"
GET /v1/applications/?filter=account_id:11497&filter=type:connect&filter=name:e_2023&count=100&offset=0 596ms
POST /v1/outputs 589ms
GET /v1/applications/9586169 579ms
----- Bundle upload started at 2023-08-10 14:58:06.252749 -----
[2023-08-10 14:58:06.253665] Inferring App mode and parameters
[2023-08-10 14:58:06.258931] Bundling app dir
[2023-08-10 14:58:06.261297] Generate manifest.json
[2023-08-10 14:58:06.262832] Starting to perform packrat snapshot

Adding these packages to packrat:
DBI 1.1.3
MASS 7.3-60
Matrix 1.5-4.1
R6 2.5.1
RColorBrewer 1.1-3
askpass 1.1
backports 1.4.1
base64enc 0.1-3
bit 4.0.5
bit64 4.0.5
blob 1.2.4
broom 1.0.5
bslib 0.5.0
cachem 1.0.8
callr 3.7.3
cellranger 1.1.0
cli 3.6.1
clipr 0.8.0
colorspace 2.1-0
conflicted 1.2.0
cpp11 0.4.3
crayon 1.5.2
curl 5.0.1
data.table 1.14.8
dbplyr 2.3.2
digest 0.6.31
dplyr 1.1.2
dtplyr 1.3.1
ellipsis 0.3.2
evaluate 0.21
fansi 1.0.4
farver 2.1.1
fastmap 1.1.1
fontawesome 0.5.1
forcats 1.0.0
fs 1.6.2
gargle 1.5.0
generics 0.1.3
ggplot2 3.4.2
ggthemes 4.2.4
glue 1.6.2
googledrive 2.1.1
googlesheets4 1.1.1
gtable 0.3.3
haven 2.5.2
highr 0.10
hms 1.1.3
htmltools 0.5.5
httr 1.4.6
ids 1.0.1
insight 0.19.2
isoband 0.2.7
jquerylib 0.1.4
jsonlite 1.8.5
kableExtra 1.3.4
knitr 1.43
labeling 0.4.2
lattice 0.21-8
lifecycle 1.0.3
lubridate 1.9.2
magrittr 2.0.3
memoise 2.0.1
mgcv 1.8-42
mime 0.12
modelr 0.1.11
munsell 0.5.0
nlme 3.1-162
openssl 2.0.6
pillar 1.9.0
pkgconfig 2.0.3
prettyunits 1.1.1
processx 3.8.1
progress 1.2.2
ps 1.7.5
purrr 1.0.1
ragg 1.2.5
rappdirs 0.3.3
readr 2.1.4
readxl 1.4.2
rematch 1.0.1
rematch2 2.1.2
reprex 2.0.2
rlang 1.1.1
rmarkdown 2.22
rstudioapi 0.14
rvest 1.0.3
sass 0.4.6
scales 1.2.1
selectr 0.4-2
stringi 1.7.12
stringr 1.5.0
svglite 2.1.1
sys 3.4.2
systemfonts 1.0.4
textshaping 0.3.6
tibble 3.2.1
tidygam 0.2.0
tidyr 1.3.0
tidyselect 1.2.0
tidyverse 2.0.0
timechange 0.2.0
tinytex 0.45
tzdb 0.4.0
utf8 1.2.3
uuid 1.1-0
vctrs 0.6.3
viridisLite 0.4.2
vroom 1.6.3
webshot 0.5.4
withr 2.5.0
xfun 0.39
xml2 1.3.4
yaml 2.3.7

[2023-08-10 14:58:07.991898] Completed performing packrat snapshot
[2023-08-10 14:58:08.21208] Writing Rmd index if necessary
[2023-08-10 14:58:08.212484] Compressing the bundle
POST /v1/bundles 729ms
[2023-08-10 14:58:08.979274] Starting upload now
PUT /bundles/application-9586169/ad68cb2c4a3442afb5b39d3bc1f174ad.tar.gz?AWSAccessKeyId=ASIA54P7SCTKZ62FZPX5&Signature=tTXjEMSwEDA%2FI7x413E%2FZhlZ8Xw%3D&content-md5=s8kdYrPq0Psa5MkXZQMKpg%3D%3D&content-type=application%2Fx-tar&x-amz-security-token=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEBsaCXVzLWVhc3QtMSJGMEQCIEL5cx6PfP%2FLMTxnOjBX%2B4lTYQWT5FtMmXG4WDPGOSFBAiA37uFg4a4mfMbrySE4X%2Bpnw3KvqnrKawJZIRF%2FVzjxciqMBQjE%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F8BEAAaDDk1NDU1NTU2OTM2NSIMUpsi%2B2xR%2FLsTrOZHKuAEkw7taecSrk9CXLD0BHzvOZbH6GL3DH3azgcj50ZGb0lLi65%2BLB4CrLs%2Fs1trw4HmWQuqWWBvrFXZJpIPxBVRDnyV3uJEytv3DJzUzuzoHFSaZiJ1XoEIJRkCoBjl5FqoOQ7B85hWAY%2FJK%2F9o9rq4OLGf%2B34rIffxq4TWgLECjTxVjahW1R%2BnYc3iF7rI6c3BAYI%2B24S30T6TOUVIcTlfFvJgdTi5zt3BWXnq6mQkZ9%2FDIg%2B5MGZBBWuOKeksNufgXcAVYHW8NP2gb4ZRpFUcF5zWgAe7z5bg5LsjhR04UGtKiK90BfPJJP4I%2FjGqpU2WpW5fmCFCk9Z0YEQ34H%2BD8vYGtf3tZNXKtX5TXZlreyPUBpnvHBcf331lLK6DtaP9ueBZsmztLxOQ8hv14sDWGZYFNIRx9qNQm2ZAnokcYscFr0QUgDmL28X%2BwAMa32t05Y%2F0HOihSwNdgnetaTisyPTmFZA3FTZbE%2F7tUl%2Fp78aI5ulI6q3gZcvVJJ4jEKVMpTzVi0PC7qYGf7oCimhNIL98347oigM2oxghP4SlKUO8zFGvIEs4vSIvOOgHR%2BOM6vRbgnuVBNX9k8cSJ2r57BAj6iAXQ669NrRJ5dzVxSFEpdKyn18xQ8CNlsVAC%2FmXh6iudDb%2BML7kD0yqS9BYZjEBgnrLvJ1Kn72nwG0POzyUi1MAtHm4xbVF4Fyqvn37tLmQqeAgta9tSlwrRyIlNTTnp5NYvxYYXf6iYOp3DcdFr78zaZVj7glKlotQb0q0sS7UPtURbRWXD5Qyvxn2n5n7yn3mUyLGaWg63ghlCwwwwebUpgY6mwGjm9aPzjaI8rMYlEhLhZMS%2FI6%2FcFU2RDvpKNfAlReLu9IvOq0aZvgIyDH2VIzyp8i0T%2FJRpSHHDgdgIsczP58dwGY3W1WuKMyMnPPWwQPTcJ3wkq137Fu74qvecNFMcLAM9UPRXzV1B3kN%2BQ%2FGF005hYjKtdsAY43NgFk4UiHoD0h9%2BMHM%2FlOvUGjx85PSu3%2FcIAbYZlgHVl2DOg%3D%3D&Expires=1691697489 2490ms
[2023-08-10 14:58:11.474329] Upload complete
POST /v1/bundles/7553544/status 574ms
GET /v1/bundles/7553544 580ms
[2023-08-10 14:58:12.649422] Saving deployment record for e_2023 -
----- Server deployment started at 2023-08-10 14:58:12.660284 -----
POST /v1/applications/9586169/deploy 1168ms
Waiting for task: 085540f7-4cab-4e77-8e86-69798269baf5
GET /v1/tasks/085540f7-4cab-4e77-8e86-69798269baf5 587ms
started: name=build-output
GET /v1/tasks/085540f7-4cab-4e77-8e86-69798269baf5 589ms
GET /v1/tasks/085540f7-4cab-4e77-8e86-69798269baf5 589ms
GET /v1/tasks/085540f7-4cab-4e77-8e86-69798269baf5 581ms
failed: error=Could not build image (image_id=8937660): Task image-build failed, task=1325929347, status=failed, error=Application mode quarto-static not supported.
################################ Begin Task Log ################################
GET /v1/tasks/085540f7-4cab-4e77-8e86-69798269baf5/logs/ 628ms
GET /v1/tasks/?filter=account_id:11497&filter=parent_id:085540f7-4cab-4e77-8e86-69798269baf5&count=100&offset=0 565ms
################################# End Task Log #################################
----- Deployment error -----
Error: Could not build image (image_id=8937660): Task image-build failed, task=1325929347, status=failed, error=Application mode quarto-static not supported.

----- Error stack trace -----
4: rsconnect::deployApp(appDir = "~/Documents/consulting/Pesca Chile/analisis_pesca_chile",
appFileManifest = "/var/folders/bw/7jhnj7t5621cf_v__phfkx1h0000gn/T/1511-29d0-6f6b-fb84",
appPrimaryDoc = "explo_2023.qmd", appSourceDoc = "~/Documents/consulting/Pesca Chile/analisis_pesca_chile/explo_2023.qmd",
3: client$waitForTask(taskId, quiet)
2: stop(status$error, call. = FALSE)
1: (function (e)
cat("----- Deployment error -----\n")
Error: Could not build image (image_id=8937660): Task image-build failed, task=1325929347, status=failed, error=Application mode quarto-static not supported.
Execution halted `

Hi JC,
Thanks for the detailed info. I see you are using rsconnect_0.8.29, which does not support quarto static publishing. If you could upgrade your version of rsconnect to the latest (1.0.1), this should work.

1 Like

Hi Omar

I really appreciate your time. After updating the package library, all the work was done. I think regularly updating the package is a good practice for R users.


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