We have a public GitLab package here. Staff install it using devtools. It contains a collection of convenience functions for staff doing ad hoc reporting.
## This is how we install the package.
## Not that it is useful to anyone else, but it is public and open source.
If I create a RMarkdown document directly and it includes:
and then use RStudio's "Publish" feature, everything works fine. I have been able to install, load, and use the package this way in a RMarkdown document.
However, when I use writeManifest()
and deploy to RSC from git, the deployment fails with the following error:
Error: Cannot create packrat data from manifest.json: Cannot transform manifest into packrat.lock: package acuitasAdHoc does not define Repository
But, this is the contents of the manifest.json file.
"acuitasAdHoc": {
"Source": "gitlab",
"Repository": null,
"description": {
"Package": "acuitasAdHoc",
"Title": "Acuitas Ad Hoc",
"Version": "0.3.0",
"Authors@R": "\n person(given = \"Andy\",\n family = \"Choens\",\n role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"),\n email = \"andy.choens@acuitashealth.com\")",
"Description": "Support functions for the Acuitas Ad Hoc report template. You can find this template at: https://gitlab.com/acuitas_public/ad-hoc-template.",
"License": "GPL (>= 3)",
"Encoding": "UTF-8",
"LazyData": "true",
"Roxygen": "list(markdown = TRUE)",
"RoxygenNote": "7.1.1",
"Imports": "blastula, config, DBI, dplyr, httr, lubridate, magrittr, odbc,\nopenxlsx (>= 4.2.4), purrr, readr, stringr, tibble, tidyr, yaml",
"Depends": "R (>= 3.60)",
"Suggests": "devtools, usethis",
"RemoteType": "gitlab",
"RemoteHost": "gitlab.com",
"RemoteRepo": "acuitasadhoc",
"RemoteUsername": "acuitas-public",
"RemoteRef": "HEAD",
"RemoteSha": "715a7b473dedde460fbcff95ea5cff40d6c0079b",
"NeedsCompilation": "no",
"Packaged": "2021-08-11 16:01:19 UTC; andy",
"Author": "Andy Choens [aut, cre]",
"Maintainer": "Andy Choens <andy.choens@acuitashealth.com>",
"Built": "R 4.0.5; ; 2021-08-11 16:01:19 UTC; unix"
Thinking this was the problem, I downloaded a bundle created when I pushed to RSC, and looked at that manifest.json file . . . . but the entries for the acuitasAdHoc package are identical. I thought having null for Repository might be causing my trouble. But after looking at the bundle, that does not appear to be the case.
I want to be able to go into RSC and deploy from git, but I'm having a hard time doing that.