I am building a shiny dashboard showing various life expectancy data.
I have succeeded in creating reactive ValueBoxes and a reactive plot.
In my plot I want to use a reactive output. I get the following error message: replacement has length zero
Everything else is working fine. May I ask for help in this matter?
LifeExpCH <- read_excel("LifeExpCH.xlsx")
LifeExpCH_M <- read_excel("LifeExpCH_M.xlsx")
LifeExpectancyFromYear <- function(Age, Gender) {
if(Gender == 0){
Probability_to_live <- LifeExpCH$Plive[1:112]
Age_in_Years <- seq(0, 111, 1)
df1 <- data.frame(Age_in_Years, Probability_to_live)
} else {
Probability_to_live <- LifeExpCH_M$Plive[1:111]
Age_in_Years <- seq(0, 110, 1)
df1 <- data.frame(Age_in_Years, Probability_to_live)
YourExpectancyFromAge <- function(Age, Gender) {
if(Gender == 0){
X <- which(LifeExpCH$Age == Age)
LifeExp <- LifeExpCH$LifeExp[X] + Age
} else {
X <- which(LifeExpCH_M$Age == Age)
LifeExp <- LifeExpCH_M$LifeExp[X] + Age
YourProbability <- function(Age, Gender) {
if(Gender == 0) {
X <- which(LifeExpCH$Age == Age)
Prob <- LifeExpCH$Plive[X]
} else {
X <- which(LifeExpCH_M$Age == Age)
Prob <- LifeExpCH_M$Plive[X]
header <- dashboardHeader(title = tags$b("Life Expectany in Switzerland, source: BEVNAT, ESPOP"), titleWidth = 750)
sidebar <- dashboardSidebar(
width = 350,
sliderInput("Age", "Enter your age:", value = 30, min = 0, max = 111),
selectInput("Gender", "Enter your gender:", c("Female" = 0, "Male" = 1))
body <- dashboardBody(
box(width = 6, valueBoxOutput(width = 12, "Prob")),
box(width = 6, valueBoxOutput(width = 12, "LifeExp")),
#Here I include the reactive output ("LifeProb") as I want to use it as input into my reactive plot
box(width = 12, plotlyOutput(outputId = "Years_to_live")), uiOutput(outputId = "LifeProb")
ui <- dashboardPage(skin = "blue",
header = header,
sidebar = sidebar,
body = body)
server <- function(input, output){
LifeExpectancy <- reactive({
LifeExpectancyFromYear(input$Age, input$Gender)
output$Years_to_live <- renderPlotly({
plot_ly(LifeExpectancy(), x = ~Age_in_Years, y = ~Probability_to_live,
hoverinfo = "text",
text = ~paste("If age:", Age_in_Years, "<br>", "Your probability to survive:", Probability_to_live)) %>%
add_lines() %>%
layout(xaxis = list(title = "Your age in years"),
yaxis = list(title = "Your propability of surving one more year")) %>%
#yend = here I would like to use the reactive output
add_segments(x = input$Age, xend = input$Age, y = 0, yend = LifeProb
LifeExpectancyText <- reactive({
YourExpectancyFromAge(input$Age, input$Gender)
output$LifeExp <- renderValueBox({
valueBox(LifeExpectancyText(), tags$b("is your life expectancy"), color = "blue")
#This is the reactive output I want to use for my plot
LifeProb <- reactive({
YourProbability(input$Age, input$Gender)
output$Prob <- renderValueBox({
valueBox(LifeProb(), tags$b("is your probability to live to the next year"), color = "blue")
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)