Deploy reactive output as input into reactive plot

I am building a shiny dashboard showing various life expectancy data.

I have succeeded in creating reactive ValueBoxes and a reactive plot.

In my plot I want to use a reactive output. I get the following error message: replacement has length zero

Everything else is working fine. May I ask for help in this matter?


LifeExpCH <- read_excel("LifeExpCH.xlsx")
LifeExpCH_M <- read_excel("LifeExpCH_M.xlsx")

LifeExpectancyFromYear <- function(Age, Gender) {
    if(Gender == 0){
        Probability_to_live <- LifeExpCH$Plive[1:112]
        Age_in_Years <- seq(0, 111, 1)
        df1 <- data.frame(Age_in_Years, Probability_to_live)
    } else {
        Probability_to_live <- LifeExpCH_M$Plive[1:111]
        Age_in_Years <- seq(0, 110, 1)
        df1 <- data.frame(Age_in_Years, Probability_to_live)

YourExpectancyFromAge <- function(Age, Gender) {
    if(Gender == 0){
        X <- which(LifeExpCH$Age == Age)
        LifeExp <- LifeExpCH$LifeExp[X] + Age
    } else {
        X <- which(LifeExpCH_M$Age == Age)
        LifeExp <- LifeExpCH_M$LifeExp[X] + Age

YourProbability <- function(Age, Gender) {
    if(Gender == 0) {
        X <- which(LifeExpCH$Age == Age)
        Prob <- LifeExpCH$Plive[X]
    } else {
        X <- which(LifeExpCH_M$Age == Age)
        Prob <- LifeExpCH_M$Plive[X]

header <- dashboardHeader(title = tags$b("Life Expectany in Switzerland, source: BEVNAT, ESPOP"), titleWidth = 750)

sidebar <- dashboardSidebar(
    width = 350,
    sliderInput("Age", "Enter your age:", value = 30, min = 0, max = 111),
    selectInput("Gender", "Enter your gender:", c("Female" = 0, "Male" = 1))

body <- dashboardBody(
        box(width = 6, valueBoxOutput(width = 12, "Prob")),
        box(width = 6, valueBoxOutput(width = 12, "LifeExp")),
    #Here I include the reactive output ("LifeProb") as I want to use it as input into my reactive plot
    box(width = 12, plotlyOutput(outputId = "Years_to_live")), uiOutput(outputId = "LifeProb")

ui <- dashboardPage(skin = "blue",
                    header = header,
                    sidebar = sidebar,
                    body = body)

server <- function(input, output){
    LifeExpectancy <- reactive({
        LifeExpectancyFromYear(input$Age, input$Gender)
    output$Years_to_live <- renderPlotly({
        plot_ly(LifeExpectancy(), x = ~Age_in_Years, y = ~Probability_to_live, 
        hoverinfo = "text",
        text = ~paste("If age:", Age_in_Years, "<br>", "Your probability to survive:", Probability_to_live)) %>%
        add_lines() %>%
        layout(xaxis = list(title = "Your age in years"),
            yaxis = list(title = "Your propability of surving one more year")) %>%

#yend = here I would like to use the reactive output
            add_segments(x = input$Age, xend = input$Age,  y = 0, yend = LifeProb
    LifeExpectancyText <- reactive({
        YourExpectancyFromAge(input$Age, input$Gender)
    output$LifeExp <- renderValueBox({
        valueBox(LifeExpectancyText(), tags$b("is your life expectancy"), color = "blue")
#This is the reactive output I want to use for my plot

    LifeProb <- reactive({
        YourProbability(input$Age, input$Gender)
    output$Prob <- renderValueBox({
        valueBox(LifeProb(), tags$b("is your probability to live to the next year"), color = "blue")

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Hi @Martin123 !

Hard to troubleshoot without at least a mock up data (reprex: FAQ: What's a reproducible example (`reprex`) and how do I do one?).

What does 'add_lines() %>%' intended to do?
I don't think plotly would like functions called with zero params.

This is what I would like to do:

Hi Martin,
can you do something like :

LifeExpCH <- read_excel("LifeExpCH.xlsx") %>% dplyr::sample_n(30)
LifeExpCH_M <- read_excel("LifeExpCH_M.xlsx")  %>% dplyr::sample_n(30)


and provide the result ?

were your responding to me, or another poster Martin ?

Sorry for the confusion Martin,
I was intending for you to share the output to your console of what I wrote.
This would allow the contributors here to attempt to run your code and debug it.

Sorry, to share this? Kind regards,

LifeExpCH <- read_excel("LifeExpCH.xlsx") %>% dplyr::sample_n(30)
LifeExpCH_M <- read_excel("LifeExpCH_M.xlsx") %>% dplyr::sample_n(30)

structure(list(Age = c(54, 22, 23, 40, 68, 6, 46, 36, 82, 91,
44, 77, 63, 95, 100, 27, 103, 15, 25, 19, 14, 104, 90, 75, 98,
67, 31, 73, 32, 64), P_Death = c(0.002431, 0.000204, 2e-04, 0.00058,
0.008046, 7.4e-05, 0.001057, 0.000409, 0.043091, 0.158167, 0.000856,
0.021496, 0.005258, 0.243497, 0.35303, 0.000215, 0.425265, 9.4e-05,
0.000202, 0.000188, 8.5e-05, 0.452829, 0.138922, 0.016712, 0.308856,
0.007362, 0.000275, 0.013243, 0.000296, 0.005709), XXX = c(0.997569,
0.999796, 0.9998, 0.99942, 0.991954, 0.999926, 0.998943, 0.999591,
0.956909, 0.841833, 0.999144, 0.978504, 0.994742, 0.756503, 0.64697,
0.999785, 0.574735, 0.999906, 0.999798, 0.999812, 0.999915, 0.547171,
0.861078, 0.983288, 0.691144, 0.992638, 0.999725, 0.986757, 0.999704,
0.994291), Live = c(97172, 99391, 99370, 98852, 91208, 99567,
98408, 99037, 70359, 31874, 98586, 81411, 94116, 13722, 2515,
99290, 609, 99500, 99331, 99450, 99508, 350, 37017, 84391, 5437,
91885, 99197, 86811, 99170, 93621), Die = c(237, 21, 20, 57,
734, 7, 104, 41, 3032, 5041, 84, 1750, 495, 3342, 888, 21, 259,
10, 21, 19, 8, 158, 5143, 1411, 1679, 677, 27, 1149, 30, 534),
LifeExp = c(31.88, 62.96, 61.97, 45.25, 19.42, 78.84, 39.43,
49.16, 8.62, 4.07, 41.36, 12.14, 23.75, 2.96, 2.08, 58.02,
1.68, 69.89, 60, 65.92, 70.88, 1.56, 4.44, 13.68, 2.38, 20.28,
54.07, 15.27, 53.09, 22.87), Plive = c(99.7569, 99.9796,
99.98, 99.942, 99.1954, 99.9926, 99.8943, 99.9591, 95.6909,
84.1833, 99.9144, 97.8504, 99.4742, 75.6503, 64.697, 99.9785,
57.4735, 99.9906, 99.9798, 99.9812, 99.9915, 54.7171, 86.1078,
98.3288, 69.1144, 99.2638, 99.9725, 98.6757, 99.9704, 99.4291
)), row.names = c(NA, -30L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"
structure(list(Age = c(98, 25, 36, 85, 4, 51, 63, 96, 57, 105,
52, 17, 67, 106, 68, 108, 110, 16, 93, 99, 76, 43, 97, 8, 78,
72, 6, 33, 90, 61), P_Death = c(0.350658, 0.00049, 0.000748,
0.097969, 0.000104, 0.002936, 0.009328, 0.304223, 0.005346, 0.504802,
0.003252, 0.000336, 0.013263, 0.524596, 0.014498, 0.562178, 1,
0.000252, 0.236437, 0.37382, 0.032631, 0.001322, 0.327413, 7.7e-05,
0.04133, 0.021146, 8.6e-05, 0.000617, 0.174938, 0.007786), XXX = c(0.649342,
0.99951, 0.999252, 0.902031, 0.999896, 0.997064, 0.990672, 0.695777,
0.994654, 0.495198, 0.996748, 0.999664, 0.986737, 0.475404, 0.985502,
0.437822, 0, 0.999748, 0.763563, 0.62618, 0.967369, 0.998678,
0.672587, 0.999923, 0.95867, 0.978854, 0.999914, 0.999383, 0.825062,
0.992214), Live = c(2176, 99005, 98401, 43001, 99547, 96261,
90265, 4650, 94067, 48, 95979, 99399, 86464, 24, 85317, 5, 1,
99425, 11428, 1413, 72083, 97746, 3235, 99510, 67173, 79747,
99527, 98596, 21901, 91756), Die = c(763, 48, 73, 4213, 11, 282,
842, 1415, 503, 24, 312, 33, 1147, 13, 1237, 3, 1, 26, 2702,
528, 2352, 130, 1059, 7, 2776, 1687, 9, 61, 3831, 715), LifeExp = c(2.11,
55.82, 45.13, 5.71, 76.48, 30.93, 20.51, 2.42, 25.57, 1.4, 30.02,
63.59, 17.32, 1.33, 16.55, 1.12, 0.5, 64.57, 3.02, 1.98, 10.78,
38.41, 2.25, 72.51, 9.49, 13.56, 74.5, 48.04, 3.82, 22.16), Plive = c(64.9342,
99.951, 99.9252, 90.2031, 99.9896, 99.7064, 99.0672, 69.5777,
99.4654, 49.5198, 99.6748, 99.9664, 98.6737, 47.5404, 98.5502,
43.7822, 0, 99.9748, 76.3563, 62.618, 96.7369, 99.8678, 67.2587,
99.9923, 95.867, 97.8854, 99.9914, 99.9383, 82.5062, 99.2214)), row.names = c(NA,
-30L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))

Hi @Martin123. There are few errors in your code. First, in the plot_ly, the text argument cannot pass the function like this. You can make it easier by adding an extra column for your hover text in LifeExpectancyFromYear function. Second, the reactive expression LifeProb miss a blanket. And the code cannot run in some age inputs (e.g. age=30) but can be run with inputs (age=36 and gender=Female) because when the age input is not exist in your data LifeExpCH or LifeExpCH_M, the YourProbability function will raise error.


LifeExpCH <- structure(list(Age = c(54, 22, 23, 40, 68, 6, 46, 36, 82, 91,
                                    44, 77, 63, 95, 100, 27, 103, 15, 25, 19, 14, 104, 90, 75, 98,
                                    67, 31, 73, 32, 64), P_Death = c(0.002431, 0.000204, 2e-04, 0.00058,
                                                                     0.008046, 7.4e-05, 0.001057, 0.000409, 0.043091, 0.158167, 0.000856,
                                                                     0.021496, 0.005258, 0.243497, 0.35303, 0.000215, 0.425265, 9.4e-05,
                                                                     0.000202, 0.000188, 8.5e-05, 0.452829, 0.138922, 0.016712, 0.308856,
                                                                     0.007362, 0.000275, 0.013243, 0.000296, 0.005709), XXX = c(0.997569,
                                                                                                                                0.999796, 0.9998, 0.99942, 0.991954, 0.999926, 0.998943, 0.999591,
                                                                                                                                0.956909, 0.841833, 0.999144, 0.978504, 0.994742, 0.756503, 0.64697,
                                                                                                                                0.999785, 0.574735, 0.999906, 0.999798, 0.999812, 0.999915, 0.547171,
                                                                                                                                0.861078, 0.983288, 0.691144, 0.992638, 0.999725, 0.986757, 0.999704,
                                                                                                                                0.994291), Live = c(97172, 99391, 99370, 98852, 91208, 99567,
                                                                                                                                                    98408, 99037, 70359, 31874, 98586, 81411, 94116, 13722, 2515,
                                                                                                                                                    99290, 609, 99500, 99331, 99450, 99508, 350, 37017, 84391, 5437,
                                                                                                                                                    91885, 99197, 86811, 99170, 93621), Die = c(237, 21, 20, 57,
                                                                                                                                                                                                734, 7, 104, 41, 3032, 5041, 84, 1750, 495, 3342, 888, 21, 259,
                                                                                                                                                                                                10, 21, 19, 8, 158, 5143, 1411, 1679, 677, 27, 1149, 30, 534),
                            LifeExp = c(31.88, 62.96, 61.97, 45.25, 19.42, 78.84, 39.43,
                                        49.16, 8.62, 4.07, 41.36, 12.14, 23.75, 2.96, 2.08, 58.02,
                                        1.68, 69.89, 60, 65.92, 70.88, 1.56, 4.44, 13.68, 2.38, 20.28,
                                        54.07, 15.27, 53.09, 22.87), Plive = c(99.7569, 99.9796,
                                                                               99.98, 99.942, 99.1954, 99.9926, 99.8943, 99.9591, 95.6909,
                                                                               84.1833, 99.9144, 97.8504, 99.4742, 75.6503, 64.697, 99.9785,
                                                                               57.4735, 99.9906, 99.9798, 99.9812, 99.9915, 54.7171, 86.1078,
                                                                               98.3288, 69.1144, 99.2638, 99.9725, 98.6757, 99.9704, 99.4291
                                        )), row.names = c(NA, -30L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"
LifeExpCH_M <- structure(list(Age = c(98, 25, 36, 85, 4, 51, 63, 96, 57, 105,
                                      52, 17, 67, 106, 68, 108, 110, 16, 93, 99, 76, 43, 97, 8, 78,
                                      72, 6, 33, 90, 61), P_Death = c(0.350658, 0.00049, 0.000748,
                                                                      0.097969, 0.000104, 0.002936, 0.009328, 0.304223, 0.005346, 0.504802,
                                                                      0.003252, 0.000336, 0.013263, 0.524596, 0.014498, 0.562178, 1,
                                                                      0.000252, 0.236437, 0.37382, 0.032631, 0.001322, 0.327413, 7.7e-05,
                                                                      0.04133, 0.021146, 8.6e-05, 0.000617, 0.174938, 0.007786), XXX = c(0.649342,
                                                                                                                                         0.99951, 0.999252, 0.902031, 0.999896, 0.997064, 0.990672, 0.695777,
                                                                                                                                         0.994654, 0.495198, 0.996748, 0.999664, 0.986737, 0.475404, 0.985502,
                                                                                                                                         0.437822, 0, 0.999748, 0.763563, 0.62618, 0.967369, 0.998678,
                                                                                                                                         0.672587, 0.999923, 0.95867, 0.978854, 0.999914, 0.999383, 0.825062,
                                                                                                                                         0.992214), Live = c(2176, 99005, 98401, 43001, 99547, 96261,
                                                                                                                                                             90265, 4650, 94067, 48, 95979, 99399, 86464, 24, 85317, 5, 1,
                                                                                                                                                             99425, 11428, 1413, 72083, 97746, 3235, 99510, 67173, 79747,
                                                                                                                                                             99527, 98596, 21901, 91756), Die = c(763, 48, 73, 4213, 11, 282,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  842, 1415, 503, 24, 312, 33, 1147, 13, 1237, 3, 1, 26, 2702,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  528, 2352, 130, 1059, 7, 2776, 1687, 9, 61, 3831, 715), LifeExp = c(2.11,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      55.82, 45.13, 5.71, 76.48, 30.93, 20.51, 2.42, 25.57, 1.4, 30.02,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      63.59, 17.32, 1.33, 16.55, 1.12, 0.5, 64.57, 3.02, 1.98, 10.78,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      38.41, 2.25, 72.51, 9.49, 13.56, 74.5, 48.04, 3.82, 22.16), Plive = c(64.9342,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            99.951, 99.9252, 90.2031, 99.9896, 99.7064, 99.0672, 69.5777,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            99.4654, 49.5198, 99.6748, 99.9664, 98.6737, 47.5404, 98.5502,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            43.7822, 0, 99.9748, 76.3563, 62.618, 96.7369, 99.8678, 67.2587,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            99.9923, 95.867, 97.8854, 99.9914, 99.9383, 82.5062, 99.2214)), row.names = c(NA,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -30L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))

LifeExpectancyFromYear <- function(Age, Gender) {
  if(Gender == 0){
    Probability_to_live <- LifeExpCH$Plive[1:112]
    Age_in_Years <- seq(0, 111, 1)
    df1 <- data.frame(Age_in_Years, Probability_to_live, text = paste("If age:", Age_in_Years, "<br>", "Your probability to survive:", Probability_to_live))
  } else {
    Probability_to_live <- LifeExpCH_M$Plive[1:111]
    Age_in_Years <- seq(0, 110, 1)
    df1 <- data.frame(Age_in_Years, Probability_to_live)

YourExpectancyFromAge <- function(Age, Gender) {
  if(Gender == 0){
    X <- which(LifeExpCH$Age == Age)
    LifeExp <- LifeExpCH$LifeExp[X] + Age
  } else {
    X <- which(LifeExpCH_M$Age == Age)
    LifeExp <- LifeExpCH_M$LifeExp[X] + Age

YourProbability <- function(Age, Gender) {
  if(Gender == 0) {
    X <- which(LifeExpCH$Age == Age)
    Prob <- LifeExpCH$Plive[X]
  } else {
    X <- which(LifeExpCH_M$Age == Age)
    Prob <- LifeExpCH_M$Plive[X]

header <- dashboardHeader(title = tags$b("Life Expectany in Switzerland, source: BEVNAT, ESPOP"), titleWidth = 750)

sidebar <- dashboardSidebar(
  width = 350,
  sliderInput("Age", "Enter your age:", value = 30, min = 0, max = 111),
  selectInput("Gender", "Enter your gender:", c("Female" = 0, "Male" = 1))

body <- dashboardBody(
    box(width = 6, valueBoxOutput(width = 12, "Prob")),
    box(width = 6, valueBoxOutput(width = 12, "LifeExp")),
  #Here I include the reactive output ("LifeProb") as I want to use it as input into my reactive plot
  box(width = 12, plotlyOutput(outputId = "Years_to_live")), uiOutput(outputId = "LifeProb")

ui <- dashboardPage(skin = "blue",
                    header = header,
                    sidebar = sidebar,
                    body = body)

server <- function(input, output){
  LifeExpectancy <- reactive({
    LifeExpectancyFromYear(input$Age, input$Gender)
  output$Years_to_live <- renderPlotly({

    plot_ly(LifeExpectancy(), x = ~Age_in_Years, y = ~Probability_to_live, hoverinfo = "text",
            text = ~text) %>%
      add_lines() %>%
      layout(xaxis = list(title = "Your age in years"),
             yaxis = list(title = "Your propability of surving one more year")) %>%
      add_segments(x = input$Age, xend = input$Age,  y = 0, yend = LifeProb())
  LifeExpectancyText <- reactive({
    YourExpectancyFromAge(input$Age, input$Gender)
  output$LifeExp <- renderValueBox({
    valueBox(LifeExpectancyText(), tags$b("is your life expectancy"), color = "blue")
  #This is the reactive output I want to use for my plot
  LifeProb <- reactive({
    YourProbability(input$Age, input$Gender)
  output$Prob <- renderValueBox({
    valueBox(LifeProb(), tags$b("is your probability to live to the next year"), color = "blue")

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

I found the solution!! Everything good now.

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