I need to calculate in ui a selection list that is dependent on an input. I have not found a solution on stackoverflow or google yet. Maybe someone can give me a solution suggestion. Code example:
One way this can be accomplished is by creating an observeEvent() in the server that updates the second input based on the selection in the first. Below is a simple app that illustrates what this might look like. Both inputs are created in the ui section. I set multiple to FALSE in the first input (Methode_A) to limit the number of associated if() statements in the observeEvent(). However, you can define list_a for multiple selections if desired.
Hello Scotty, many thanks for the fast solution. It works perfectly.
Now I want to use the method for an update of the dateRangeInput functions. Here I get an error message that I can not interpret. Can you take a look at it?
Here is the code
box(width = 4,
dateRangeInput(inputId = "Datumsbereich_A", #+#
label ="Datum",
language = "de",
startview = "month",
start = Start_Datum,
end = End_Datum,
min = Datum_min_A,
max =Datum_max_A)