I am building a shiny application which will allow CRUD operations by a user on a table which exists in an sqlite3 database. I am using the input$table_rows_selected()
function in DT
to get the index of the rows selected by the user. I am then trying to delete the rows (using an action button deleteRows
) from the database which have a matching timestamp (the epoch time stored as the primary key). The following code runs without any error but does not delete the selected rows.
observeEvent(input$deleteRows, {
conn <- poolCheckout(pool)
lapply(length(s), function(i){
timestamp = rvsTL$data[s[i],8]
query <- glue::glue_sql("DELETE FROM TonnageListChartering
WHERE TonnageListChartering.timestamp = {timestamp}
", .con = conn)
dbExecute(conn, sqlInterpolate(ANSI(), query))
# Show a modal when the button is pressed
shinyalert("Success!", "The selected rows have been deleted. Refresh
the table by pressing F5", type = "success")
is a handler at the global level for connecting to the database.
pool <- pool::dbPool(drv = RSQLite::SQLite(),
Why does this not work? And if it did, is there any way of refreshing the datatable output without having to reload the application?