Delete rows based on previos rows


I have a question regarding my datatabel in R.
Here is a minimal example of my DT (the real DT is > 80.000 rows):

ID, dosis, days
1, 10, 100

What I need to do, is kind of screening of the DT, and when for each ID:
dose=0 & days >= 30, then the row AND the subsequent rows should be deleted.
And then a screening of the next ID and so on.....for all the 80.000 rows (approx 2000 IDs)

Here the result should be:

ID, dosis, days
1, 10, 100

Whould appreciate if anyone can help.

Kindest regards,

Hi @Nice, could you post a sample of your table, like this?

<--- paste output of dput(head(DT, 50)) here, including ```s

Hi David!

The problem is that the DT is confident, so in my previous example I tried to write a simple dataset that can illustrate what I mean.

Now I have replaced the confident data with other values so it looks more correct:

dput(head(my_data, 10))

gave this output:

structure (list (id = c(1,1,1,2,3,3,4,5,5,5) , dose = c(20,0,20,20,15,20,20,15,20,15), days= structure( c(200,400,100,300,20,300,200,50,50,100), class ="difftime", units ="days")), classe = c("data.table", "data.frame"), row.names = c (NA, -10L), .internal.selfref = <pointer: 0x00000000001f1ef0>)

" ``` " ike this….?

Thanks, Nour: In general it's easier for folks to help you if you paste the data between triple backticks ``` as I described -- could click the pencil icon on your post and insert triple backticks before and after the output?

Also, the output you posted is incomplete -- could you re-paste it?

I tried again, but do not get any " ``` "..... though, I added it on my previous post in the begning and end … hope it is correct :slight_smile:

Almost :slight_smile: -- a step in the right direction, but the output from dput() is still incomplete, and make sure you put the ``` by itself on the line before your output, and again by itself on the line after your output.

Ok, I understand!
Now it is corrected!
Thank you so much!

Hope someone can help :slight_smile:

Great -- now a question of clarification:

What do you mean by 'subsequent'? The rows that appear later in the table?

This is becoming a little frustrating to watch, you are supposed to ask your questions providing a proper REPRoducible EXample (reprex) illustrating your issue.

Like in this answer


sample_df <- data.frame(
          ID = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2),
       dosis = c(10, 0, 10, 0, 10, 10, 0),
        days = c(100, 70, 100, 35, 700, 50, 12)

sample_df %>% 
    group_by(ID) %>% 
    mutate(flag = if_else(dosis == 0 & days >= 30, TRUE, NA)) %>% 
    fill(flag, .direction = "down") %>% 
    filter( %>% 
#> # A tibble: 3 x 3
#> # Groups:   ID [2]
#>      ID dosis  days
#>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1     1    10   100
#> 2     2    10    50
#> 3     2     0    12

Created on 2020-03-28 by the reprex package (v0.3.0.9001)

I mean the subsequent rows for the same ID, i.e. if there is a pause in medication for more than 30 days, then I want to delete this row and all the other rows after this row for the patient.
The issue is that I want only the observations for each patient before the first pause in medication ( a pause is defined as 30 days without medicine "0" or more) but not the other rows afterwards - hope this makes sense...

Thank you so much - and sorry I did not see the help section - this is my first time here…
Thank you for the code, but it do not solve my problem, as I get:
Error in days >=30 :
comparison (5) is possible only for atomic and list types

What do I do wrong?

It works with the sample data you have provided, to been able to help you, please read the guide on the link I gave you and provide an example that reproduces your issue.

thank you so much...ok...I will read it first and see…..thank you :slight_smile:

So the rows are assumed to be in chronological order then, right?

yes, they are :slight_smile:
Now I have also corrected my dput - hope it is correct now!

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Did you still need help, or did @andresrcs's solution eventually work for you? If you do still help, it'll be important to get your dput() output in order since what you posted still doesn't work.

Thank you so much! My problem is solved :slight_smile:

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