Dealing with libssl error installing Rstudio on Ubuntu 24.0.1

Is the current version of Rstudio server for Ubuntu still using the legacy libssl1*?
Got an error message about missing dependencies while executing your installation instructions. I gather that libssl3* is what's current in Ubuntu.

To get Rstudio working should I just install the older libssl dependences or is there another version of Rstudio I should be downloading?

Here's the releant section of my console log:
sudo gdebi rstudio-server-2024.12.0-467-amd64.deb
/usr/bin/gdebi:113: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\S'
c = findall("[(/\S+)]", msg)[0].lower()
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
Reading state information... Done
This package is uninstallable
Dependency is not satisfiable: libssl1.0.0|libssl1.0.2|libssl1.1