I am trying to conduct a CCR Data Envelopment Analyis with R, but I am having trouble of adding weight constraints into my R-Code. I am trying to recreate the DEA model of Powers and McMullen (2000), where they restricted the weights for inputs and ouputs with 0.2 and 5, respectively Screenshot weight constraints. Meaning, that an attribute can only be 5 times as important as other attributes and vice versa. Can you help me implementing these weight restrictions into my R-Code. Thanks in advance!
``` r
#> Lade nötiges Paket: lpSolveAPI
#> Lade nötiges Paket: ucminf
#> Lade nötiges Paket: quadprog
~stocks, ~`P/B`, ~EPS, ~`P/E`, ~ROE, ~ROA, ~CR, ~Beta, ~`1yr.return`,
"GOOG", "0,105320007", "1", "0,528038527", "0,125299312", "0,536933959", "0,185208835", "0,381542741", "1",
"FB", "0,201288339", "0,201880418", "0,564626358", "0,153778438", "0,668167507", "0,286678829", "0,082707193", "0,017621644",
"DIS", "0,655989941", "0,342545484", "0,542004395", "1", "1", "0,642544601", "0,310267311", "0,926164585",
"CMCSA", "0,738662978", "0,330823395", "0,789179683", "0,622095029", "0,725227171", "0,749205186", "0,496788817", "0,62952056",
"VZ", "0,693367104", "0,304448696", "0,93936212", "0,201148966", "0,609687719", "0,779025287", "1", "0,757735763",
"NFLX", "1", "0,233139322", "0,177801712", "0,005918114", "0,248400317", "0,70193806", "0,467740406", "0,300504736",
"T", "0,892382078", "0,328869714", "1", "0,712536726", "0,801200408", "0,81392831", "0,745286657", "0,770396294",
"TMUS", "0,771501511", "0,340958118", "0,038755057", "0,936810883", "0,982910621", "0,729577844", "0,867008698", "0,91368397",
"Chunghwa", "0,222162216", "0,067198502", "0,516760834", "0,345485567", "0,821260561", "1", "0,502504454", "0,610898746",
"Deutsche Telekom", "0,788421199", "0,355488624", "0,85315031", "0,756535153", "0,928671559", "0,679834308", "0,612769693", "0,263626634",
"Electronic Arts", "0,464682875", "0,300052912", "0,602069099", "0,74719918", "0,59237111", "0,036667614", "0,594268297", "0,761613283",
"Paramount", "0,90675565", "0,327526558", "0,965374233", "0,393192633", "0,495372", "0,339166455", "0,060884268", "0,990353243"
inputs <-data.frame(my_data[c(2,4,7,8)])
outputs <-data.frame(my_data[c(3,5,6,9)])
N <-dim(my_data)[1]
s <-dim(inputs)[2]
m <-dim(outputs)[2]
f.rhs <- c(rep(0,1,N),1)
f.dir <- c(rep("<=",1,N),"=")
aux <- cbind(-1*inputs,outputs)
#> Error in FUN(left, right): nicht-numerisches Argument für binären Operator
for(i in 1:N){
f.obj <- c(0*rep(1,s),as.numeric(outputs[i,]))
f.con <- rbind(aux,c(as.numeric(inputs[i,]),rep(0,1,m)))
results <- lp("max",as.numeric(f.obj),f.con,f.dir,f.rhs,scale=0,compute.sens=TRUE)
if (i==1){
weights <- results$solution
effcrs <- results$objval
lambdas <- results$duals[seq(1,N)]
weights <- rbind(weights,results$solution)
effcrs <- rbind(effcrs,results$objval)
lambdas <- rbind(lambdas,results$duals[seq(1,N)])
#> Warning: NAs durch Umwandlung erzeugt
#> Warning: NAs durch Umwandlung erzeugt
#> Error in rbind(aux, c(as.numeric(inputs[i, ]), rep(0, 1, m))): Objekt 'aux' nicht gefunden
Created on 2022-04-04 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)