DataEditR: Interactive Editor for Viewing, Filtering, Entering & Editing Data - Table Contest Submission

DataEditR: Interactive Editor for Viewing, Filtering, Entering & Editing Data

Authors: Dillon Hammill
Affiliations: The Australian National University

Abstract: DataEditR is an R package built on rhandsontable and shiny to provide interactive interface to view, filter, enter and edit data in R. DataEditR ships with its own RStudio addin and is composed of several shiny modules (namely dataInput, dataSelect, dataFilter, dataEdit and dataOutput) that allow users to use components of DataEditR in their own shiny applications.

Full Description:

Table Type: interactive-Shiny
Submission Type: Other
RStudio Cloud:
DT package used:
gt package used:
reactable package used:
flextable package used:
huxtable package used:
kableExtra package used:
Other packages: rhandsontable

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