Database Manager & Viewer - Shiny Contest Submission

Database Manager & Viewer

Authors: David Elom GNAGLO, Farid AZOUAOU

Abstract: We have built an open source shiny app that enables users to interact with relational database and transform it into an ERP. Using such app gives you the possibles to add tables, dynamically add different types of variables and operates all CRUD operations in a very intuitive fashion.

Full Description: Please refer to the readme file available in the following github repo: Database Management - Default

Shiny app: Database Management - Default
Repo: GitHub - thaink2/th2dbm: thaink² database manager package


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Hey, I received an error loading your app.

Error creating boxes

An error occurred while creating table boxes:

Error in toast(title = paste(temp_data_dir, "repo created"), options = list(autohide = TRUE, : could not find function "toast"

Dear Dylan Pieper,

Sorry for my late reply; it turned out that there have been an issue with the last release. We have just fixed the bug and noz the app is operational.

Please feel free to reach out if needed.

With kind regards,

Looks great. Any chance of a duckdb version?