Hi everybody. I just want to tell you how I did solve my problem.
Context first.
I did update R, and RStudio-Server, over Debian10.
I connect from a Mac machine. SSH-connection.
Sometimes I use safari and others I use chrome.
Both of them stop working when trying to do a View("data.frames.objects")
The Data Viewer just goes blank.
A whole day trying to guess if it was the update or something.
After copying the About RStudio About data, I saw that it has a Safari in there.
So, I moved to a Linux Ubuntu machine, and connect to the same server, and voila, it worked.
So the problem was Mac related.
Went back to my machine.
Clear Safari cache, and....
Everything goes back to normal now.
The coincidence was that BOTH Safari and Chrome had cache issues at the same time.
No R, RStudio, Debian or Server issues, ... just my ......... Apple MBP.
Hope it can help anybody.