I am new to R studio, trying load a dataset txt file from DAVID to use it with the GoPlot package to plot it, but I got "data set not found" error when I try to load the file.
when I run the above code it installs the package then gives me "data set not found" error on the 3rd line.
Warning message:
In data(David_table_Example) : data set ‘David_table_Example’ not found
I have never used GOplot but I had a quick look at he documentation and it looks like the author(s) have stored the sample data.frames ("eset" , "genelist", "david" , "genes", "process" * in a list called EC
To access the data.frame david you will need to do something like
david <- EC$david
david <- EC[[3]]
Now david is the data,frame that I think you want.