I've come across an issue when creating my package related to data
stored within the package itself. When running code after loading with library()
, data can be accessed as normal, but if I run the code using ::
in command line, it does not work.
For example, the following script generates a small toy package (requires usethis
& devtools
# Create package and move into it
# Edit Description to be plain
writeLines("Package:toy\nVersion:0.1\nLazyData: true","DESCRIPTION")
# Create a function to access it
writeLines("#' show_data\n#' @export\nshow_data <- function() toy_data","R/show_data.R")
# Document this function
# Create the toy dataset
toy_data <- data.frame(x = rnorm(10),y=rnorm(10))
# Install the package
# Move back out of the package folder
If I run this within R
, it runs fine whether I use library(toy)
or toy::show_data()
If I run on command line with R -e "library(toy);show_data()"
, it runs fine as the data is loaded when the package is loaded.
However, when I run R -e "toy::show_data()"
, I get an error:
> toy::show_data()
Error in toy::show_data() : object 'toy_data' not found
Execution halted
What is the best way to make this data accessible when using ::
in command line?