You need to reshape your dataframe and the tidyverse tool for that is tidyr. It is included when you call library(tidyverse)
To change the shape you need first to tidy your data (column = variable, row = observation, cell = value) with gather and then spread to change the shape. Note that you should keep your data in tidy format (after gather) to do further manipulation before reshaping with spread
df <- tribble(
~month, ~net_sales, ~visitor, ~clicks,
"Jan", 32, 3, 12,
"Feb", 43, 2, 11,
"Mrz", 21, 6, 8
df %>%
gather('Colname', 'value', -month) %>%
# You can use ordered factor to keep sorted
mutate(month = fct_inorder(month)) %>%
spread(month, value)
#> Warning: le package 'bindrcpp' a été compilé avec la version R 3.4.4
#> # A tibble: 3 x 4
#> Colname Jan Feb Mrz
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 clicks 12 11 8
#> 2 net_sales 32 43 21
#> 3 visitor 3 2 6
I was thinking about using either the spread() or the gather() function but not both especially because i considered them as complement functions. But this makes absolutely sense.
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