I'm trying to preprocess some pupil data of mine, with the following script (sorry to post a block, but it is unclear what part of the script the error is specifically referring to):
#read ascii data
partframe <- data.frame()
fpath <- "~/ambigPupil/Data/raw/1001_159.asc"
dat <- read.csv(fpath, header=FALSE, sep="\t", col.names=paste0("V", seq_len(9)))
#column labels - a little unwieldy because they're used for multiple types of data (i.e. saccades, fixations)
colnames(dat) <- c("Log", "Time", "Total", "xPos", "yPos", "pupil", "endy", "saccamp", "velo")
#identify trial, saccade, fixation lines in data
trialstarts <- grep("Trial image", dat$Time)
trialends <- grep("Fixation Cross Appears", dat$Time)
trial_frame <- data.frame(trialstarts, trialends)
#instead of creating two different sets of dataframes for both eyes, with monocular data you only need to gather fixations/saccades/blinks for the single eye
fixstartsL <- grep("SFIX L", dat$Log)
fixendsL <- grep("EFIX L", dat$Log)
saccstartsL <- grep("SSACC L", dat$Log)
saccendsL <- grep("ESACC L", dat$Log)
blinkstartsL <- grep("SBLINK L", dat$Log)
blinkendsL <- grep("EBLINK L", dat$Log)
fixframeL <- data.frame()
saccframeL <- data.frame()
trialframeL <- data.frame()
#fixation frame
for (trialN in 1:90){
#trial, fixation, blink, saccade start/end times
trial_start <- trialstarts[trialN]
trial_start_time <- regmatches(dat[trial_start,2], regexpr("[0-9]+", dat[trial_start,2]))
trial_end <- trialends[trialN]
#right and left eye fixations/saccades/blinks
fixationsL <- fixendsL[fixendsL %in% trial_start:trial_end]
fixationsL <- dat[fixationsL,]
#column labels: log = fixation start, time = fixation end, pupil = pupil size
fixationsL[,1] <- regmatches(fixationsL[,1], regexpr("[0-9]+", fixationsL[,1]))
saccadesL <- saccendsL[saccendsL %in% trial_start:trial_end]
saccadesL <- dat[saccadesL,]
#column labels: log = saccade start, time = saccade end, pupil = endx
saccadesL[,1] <- regmatches(saccadesL[,1], regexpr("[0-9]+", saccadesL[,1]))
blinksL <- blinkendsL[blinkendsL %in% trial_start:trial_end]
blinksL <- dat[blinksL,]
#column labels: log = blink start, time = blink end
blinksL[,1] <- regmatches(blinksL[,1],regexpr("[0-9]+", blinksL[,1]))
#check first fixation/saccade in-bounds (do they start after the trial starts?)
if (fixationsL[1,1] < trial_start_time){
fixationsL <- fixationsL[-1,]
if (saccadesL[1,1] < trial_start_time){
saccadesL <- saccadesL[-1,]
#true blink starts and ends (saccades immediately after blinks are actually blinks)
if (dim(blinksL)[1] > 0){
for (blinkN in 1:nrow(blinksL)){
if (nrow(saccadesL[saccadesL$Log < blinksL[blinkN,1] & saccadesL$Time > blinksL[blinkN,2],1:2]) > 0){
blinksL[blinkN,1:2] <- saccadesL[saccadesL$Log < blinksL[blinkN,1] & saccadesL$Time > blinksL[blinkN,2],1:2]
#convert to numeric
trial_start_time <- as.numeric(trial_start_time)
fixationsL[1:6] <- sapply(fixationsL[1:6], as.numeric)
saccadesL[1:9] <- sapply(saccadesL[1:9], as.numeric)
blinksL[1:3] <- sapply(blinksL[1:3], as.numeric)
blinksL[3] <- blinksL[2] - blinksL[1]
#remove blinks from saccades/fixations
blinkremove <- function(fixtype, sacctype, blinktype){
saccadeids <- c()
fixationids <- c()
for (n in 1:nrow(blinktype)){
timediff1 <- abs(sacctype$Log - blinktype$Log[n])
timediff2 <- abs(sacctype$Log - blinktype$Time[n])
timediff3 <- abs(sacctype$Time - blinktype$Log[n])
timediff4 <- abs(fixtype$Log - blinktype$Time[n])
timediff5 <- abs(fixtype$Time - blinktype$Log[n])
saccadeid <- c(which(timediff1 < 100), which(timediff2 < 100), which(timediff3 < 100))
saccadeid <- unique(saccadeid)
saccadeids <- c(saccadeids, saccadeid)
fixationid <- c(which(timediff4 < 100), which(timediff5 < 100))
fixationid <- unique(fixationid)
fixationids <- c(fixationids, fixationid)
if (length(saccadeids) > 0){
sacctype <- sacctype[-saccadeids,]
fixtype <- fixtype[-fixationids,]
list(fixtype, sacctype)
#run only if there are actually blinks to remove
if (nrow(blinksL) > 0){
blinkremoveL <- blinkremove(fixationsL, saccadesL, blinksL)
fixationsL <- blinkremoveL[[1]]
saccadesL <- blinkremoveL[[2]]
#remove outliers
fixationsL <- fixationsL[fixationsL$Total < 1000,]
fixationsL <- fixationsL[fixationsL$Total > 80,]
#onset/offset times for fixations/saccades
onsets <- function(fixtype, sacctype, blinktype){
fixonset <- fixtype[,1] - trial_start_time
fixoffset <- fixtype[,2] - trial_start_time
sacconset <- sacctype[,1] - trial_start_time
saccoffset <- sacctype[,2] - trial_start_time
blinkonset <- blinktype[,1] - trial_start_time
fixtype <- cbind(fixtype, fixonset, fixoffset)
sacctype <- cbind(sacctype, sacconset, saccoffset)
blinktype <- cbind(blinktype, blinkonset)
list(fixtype, sacctype, blinktype)
onsetsL <- onsets(fixationsL, saccadesL, blinksL)
fixationsL <- onsetsL[[1]]
saccadesL <- onsetsL[[2]]
blinksL <- onsetsL[[3]]
#remove first saccade
#firstfixonset <- fixations[1,7]
#saccades <- saccades[saccades$sacconset > firstfixon]
#append trial # and remove unnecessary columns
fixationsL <- fixationsL[,-c(7:9)]
blinksL <- blinksL[,-c(4:9)]
trial <- trialN
if (dim(fixationsL)[1] > 0){
fixationsL <- cbind(fixationsL, trial)
saccadesL <- cbind(saccadesL, trial)
#append to fixation/saccade frames
fixframeL <- rbind(fixframeL, fixationsL)
saccframeL <- rbind(saccframeL, saccadesL)
I'm getting the following error:
Error in data.frame(..., check.names = FALSE) :
arguments imply differing number of rows: 0, 1
I'm having trouble figuring out which reference to data.frame() is of issue, or if there's a different issue that's causing this error. Please advise.
Thank you!