Data forecasting in R Studio

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to do forecasting in R Studio however, I ended up getting errors. Could someone help me with the forecasting model in R Studio?

Below is the R code:

# Step 1: Install Required Packages

# Step 2: Load Required Packages

# Step 3: Establish a Connection to SQL Server with Windows Authentication
con <- dbConnect(odbc(),
                 driver = "SQL Server",
                 server = "PRD1",
                 database = "DUMMY",
                 trusted_connection = "yes")

# Step 4: Query Data
query <- "SELECT Cast([source_system_link_2] as varchar) as [source_system_link_2]
      ,isnull([financial_scenario],'IC') as [financial_scenario]
      ,format([balance_dt],'MMM-yy') as [month_year]
      ,sum([balance_amt]) as [balance_amt]
      ,Cast([acct_cd_1] as varchar) as [acct_cd_1]
      ,Cast([acct_cd_2] as varchar) as [acct_cd_2]
      ,isnull([WO#],[Work Order ID]) as [WO#]
      ,[Work Order ID]
      ,avg([Total Labor Hours]) as [Total Labor Hours]
      ,avg([Labor_Code]) as [Labor_Code]
      ,avg([Hourly Rate]) as [Hourly Rate]
group by Cast([source_system_link_2] as varchar)
      ,Cast([acct_cd_1] as varchar) 
      ,Cast([acct_cd_2] as varchar) 
      ,isnull([WO#],[Work Order ID])
      ,[Work Order ID]"
data <- dbGetQuery(con, query)

# Step 5: Prepare Time Series Data for Multiple Dimension and Value Columns

# Define the dimension columns and value columns from your SQL Server table
dimension_columns <- c("[source_system_link_2]", "[financial_scenario]", "[account_description_1]", "[account_description_2]", "[balance_dt]", "[acct_cd_1]", "[acct_cd_2]", "[supplier_name]", "[WO#]", "[Work Order ID]")
dimension_columns <- as.character(dimension_columns)
value_columns <- c("[balance_amt]", "[Total Labor Hours]", "[Labor_Code]", "[Hourly Rate]")

# Initialize an empty list to store the time series data for each value column and dimension combination
ts_data <- list()

# Iterate through each value column
for (value_column in value_columns) {
# Iterate through each dimension combination
for (i in 1:length(dimension_columns)) {
# Construct the SQL query dynamically based on dimension and value column
#query <- glue::glue("SELECT {dimension_columns[i]}, {value_column} FROM [DUMMY].[SSDI].[CPWO_New]")
query <- glue::glue("SELECT {as.character(dimension_columns[i])}, {value_column} FROM [DUMMY].[SSDI].[CPWO_New]")

# Fetch the data from the SQL Server table
data <- dbGetQuery(con, query)  
# Group the data by dimension columns and aggregate the values using appropriate functions (e.g., sum, average)
#data_agg <- data %>% group_by(across(all_of(dimension_columns[i]))) 
group_columns <- intersect(dimension_columns[i], colnames(data))
group_vars <- syms(group_columns)
data_agg <- data %>% dplyr::group_by(!!!group_vars)
# Create a time series object for each dimension and value column combination
ts_data[[paste(dimension_columns[i], value_column, sep = "_")]] <- ts_object <- ts(data_agg[[value_column]], frequency = 100) 
#<- ts(data_agg$value_column, frequency = 100)
# The ts_data list will contain time series objects for each dimension and value column combination  
# Step 6: Perform Forecasting for Each Dimension and Value Column Combination

# Initialize an empty list to store the forecasted results for each combination
forecast_results <- list()

# Iterate through each dimension and value column combination
for (dimension_column in dimension_columns) {
  for (value_column in value_columns) {
    # Get the time series data for the current combination
    ts_data_current <- ts_data[[paste(dimension_column, value_column, sep = "_")]]
    # Perform forecasting using the desired method (e.g., ARIMA)
    forecast_model <- auto.arima(ts_data_current)
    # Add the forecasted results to the forecast_results list
    forecast_results[[paste(dimension_column, value_column, sep = "_")]] <- forecast_model
# The forecast_results list contains the forecasted models for each dimension and value column combination 
#Step 7: Analyze and Extract Forecasted Results

# Initialize an empty list to store the extracted forecasted results
extracted_forecasts <- list()

# Iterate through each dimension and value column combination
for (dimension_column in dimension_columns) {
  for (value_column in value_columns) {
    # Get the forecasted model for the current combination
    forecast_model <- forecast_results[[paste(dimension_column, value_column, sep = "_")]]
    # Extract the point forecasts from the forecasted model
    point_forecasts <- forecast_model$mean
    # Store the extracted forecasts in the extracted_forecasts list
    extracted_forecasts[[paste(dimension_column, value_column, sep = "_")]] <- point_forecasts

# Step 8: Move Forecasted Results Back to SQL Server

# Establish a connection to SQL Server
con <- dbConnect(odbc(),
                 driver = "SQL Server",
                 server = "PRD1",
                 database = "DUMMY",
                 trusted_connection = "yes")

# Iterate through each dimension and value column combination
for (dimension_column in dimension_columns) {
  for (value_column in value_columns) {
    # Get the extracted forecasts for the current combination
    extracted_forecasts_current <- extracted_forecasts[[paste(dimension_column, value_column, sep = "_")]]
    # Create a table (if needed) to store the forecasted results
    create_table_query <- glue::glue("CREATE TABLE forecast_output_{dimension_column}_{value_column} (date_column DATE, forecast_value FLOAT)")
    dbExecute(con_output, create_table_query)
    # Insert the forecasted results into the table
    insert_query <- glue::glue("INSERT INTO forecast_output_{dimension_column}_{value_column} (date_column, forecast_value) VALUES (?, ?)")
    dbExecute(con_output, insert_query, params = list(index(extracted_forecasts_current), extracted_forecasts_current))

# Close the connection


Hi, we don't have your dataset. Can you provide a reproducible example?

What errors do you get?

Hi William,

Below is the sample data. I am unable to attach the full dataset.

source_system_link_2 financial_scenario balance_dt acct_cd_1 acct_cd_2 balance_amt Count
4863400000 AA 2021-01-09 0:00 525450 701 6 1
4863400000 AA 2021-02-11 0:00 522300 701 216.6 2
4863400000 AA 2021-03-23 0:00 525410 701 206.39 2
4863400000 AA 2021-04-10 0:00 511200 701 8.65 1
4863400000 AA 2021-04-10 0:00 525320 701 48.5 1
4863400000 AA 2021-04-10 0:00 525410 701 11 1
4863400000 AA 2021-05-11 0:00 525410 701 2217.52 2
4863400000 AA 2021-07-11 0:00 551200 701 224.5 1
4863400000 AA 2021-08-11 0:00 525410 701 2684.08 2
4863400000 AA 2021-09-09 0:00 521300 701 97.14 1
4863400000 AA 2021-10-06 0:00 525410 701 3698.57 2
4863400000 AA 2021-10-19 0:00 552205 701 631.81 1
4863400000 AA 2021-12-10 0:00 525370 701 2475 1
4863400000 AA 2021-12-17 0:00 525320 701 324 1
4863400000 AA 2021-12-23 0:00 524300 701 3559.13 1
4863400000 AA 2022-01-08 0:00 525300 701 6.25 1
4863400000 AA 2022-01-08 0:00 525530 701 50.52 1
4863400000 AA 2022-01-22 0:00 525370 701 475.2 1
4863400000 AA 2022-02-10 0:00 525320 701 12954.73 1
4863400000 AA 2022-02-11 0:00 525350 701 6.25 1
4863400000 AA 2022-04-10 0:00 521300 701 40.82 1


And what were the errors?

Have another read of the article on making the dataset properly reproducible too.

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