Data-driven product development

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Data-driven product development

DataCamp uses data in a big way to drive the development of product and content at scale. In this presentation, I will share some interesting insights derived from data that shaped the product and content.

Ramnath Vaidyanathan - VP of Product Research
Ramnath Vaidyanathan is VP of Product Research at DataCamp, where he drives product innovation and data-driven development. He has 10+ years experience doing statistical modeling, machine learning, optimization, retail analytics, and interactive visualizations. He brings a unique perspective to product development, having worked in diverse industries like management consulting, academia, and enterprise software.

Prior to joining DataCamp, he worked as a data scientist at Alteryx, and before that, he was an Assistant Professor of Operations Management in the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University. His research primarily focused on the application of predictive analytics and optimization methodologies to improve operational decisions in retailing. He got his Ph.D. in Operations Management from the Wharton School.

He is addicted to R and Javascript (D3) and has developed several R packages, including rCharts, slidify, and htmlwidgets, aimed at simplifying the process of creating interactive visualizations and web-friendly documents, straight from R.