Dashboard on Posit Connect with common timer shared across sessions

Hi there, how could a common timer on a Posit Connect Dashboard be realized?

Either using R Shiny or Python Dash, we would like to have ten different people starting an instance of the dashboard. When someone starts a timer on his instance, the other users should be able to see the timer.

I was thinking about Shiny - Scoping rules for Shiny apps (posit.co) but am stuck on this topic.

Also, writing into a database (and reading) could be feasible, but I feel there must be an easier method.

Any hints?

Could you say more about why you want to do this?

Hi there, sorry for the delay.

The idea is to give an overview about the state of ten different machines that produce certain parts. Every machine is started manually and depending on the part being produced is occupied a certain time.

So a dashboard should be put in place where a worker could start a countdown or timer when she puts a machine to work. There should also be a menu listing different parts, so the countdown will be adjusted according to the part being manufactured.

There are ten different workplaces, all having a computer. Would it be possible using Posit Connect to show a synchronized dashboard at every workplace giving an overview about the states of the different machines? (Of course it is possible, but what would be a recommended way to do that? Writing into a database? Shared in-memory?)

Thanks for your time,
kind regards!

Anyone a hint or opinion? Thanks for considering

Kind regards!

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