I am running PCR on a data set, but my results from PCR is giving me the same values for both CV and adjCV, is this correct or there is anything wrong with the data. Here is my code:
pcr <- pcr(F1~., data = data, scale = TRUE, validation = "CV")
validationplot(pcr, val.type = "MSEP")
validationplot(pcr, val.type = "R2")
ind <- sample(2, nrow(data), replace = TRUE,
prob = c(0.8,0.2))
train <- data[ind ==1,]
test <- data[ind ==2,]
pcr_train <- pcr(F1~., data = train, scale =TRUE, validation = "CV")
y_test <- test[, 1]
pcr_pred <- predict(pcr, test, ncomp = 4)
mean((pcr_pred - y_test) ^2)
And I am getting this error when I print the mean command
Warning in mean.default((pcr_pred - y_test)^2) :
argument is not numeric or logical: returning NA
Sample data:
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
4.378 2.028 -5.822 -3.534 -0.546
4.436 2.064 -5.872 -3.538 -0.623
4.323 1.668 -5.954 -3.304 -0.782
5.215 3.319 -5.863 -4.139 -0.632
4.074 1.497 -6.018 -3.176 -0.697
4.403 1.761 -6 -3.339 -0.847
4.99 3.105 -5.985 -3.97 -0.638
4.783 2.968 -5.94 -3.903 -0.481
4.361 1.786 -5.866 -3.397 -0.685
4.594 1.958 -5.985 -3.457 -0.91
0.858 -4.734 -6.104 -0.692 -0.87
0.878 -3.846 -6.289 -1.064 -0.618
0.876 -4.479 -6.148 -0.803 -0.801
0.937 -5.498 -5.958 -0.376 -1.184
0.953 -4.71 -6.123 -0.705 -0.96
0.738 -5.386 -5.877 -0.444 -0.884
0.833 -5.562 -5.937 -0.343 -1.104
1.184 -3.52 -6.221 -1.234 -0.38
1.3 -4.129 -6.168 -0.963 -0.73
3.359 -3.618 -5.302 0.481 -0.649
3.483 -2.938 -5.361 0.157 -0.482
3.673 -3.779 -5.326 0.516 -1.053
2.521 -6.577 -4.499 1.861 -1.374
2.52 -4.757 -4.866 1.182 -0.736
2.482 -4.732 -4.857 1.142 -0.708
2.543 -6.699 -4.496 1.947 -1.426
2.458 -3.182 -5.219 0.514 -0.255
2.558 -5.66 -4.757 1.558 -1.142
2.627 -1.806 -5.313 -1.808 1.054
3.773 -0.526 -5.236 -0.6 -0.23
3.65 -0.954 -4.97 -0.361 -0.413
3.816 -1.18 -5.228 -0.284 -0.575
3.752 -0.522 -5.346 -0.562 -0.293
3.961 -0.24 -5.423 -0.69 -0.408
3.734 -0.711 -5.307 -0.479 -0.347
4.094 -0.415 -5.103 -0.729 -0.35
3.894 -0.957 -5.133 -0.435 -0.457
3.741 -0.484 -5.363 -0.574 -0.279
3.6 -0.698 -5.422 -0.435 -0.306
3.845 -0.351 -5.306 -0.666 -0.269
3.886 -0.481 -5.332 -0.596 -0.39
3.552 -2.106 -5.043 0.128 -0.634
4.336 -10.323 -2.95 3.346 -3.494
3.918 -0.809 -5.315 -0.442 -0.567
3.757 -0.502 -5.347 -0.572 -0.288
3.712 -0.627 -5.353 -0.505 -0.314
3.954 -0.72 -5.492 -0.428 -0.691
4.088 -0.588 -5.412 -0.53 -0.688
3.728 -0.641 -5.338 -0.505 -0.321