Hello, I am creating a set of tables (14 in total) describing the 'biopsy_result_1' results for each combination of 'triaje_anormal' and 'colpo_result_1' values.
How can I customize the tables so that their header clearly indicates which subset of the data they refer to.
This is my code:
base_pos %>%
filter(triaje_anormal %in% c(1, 99)) %>%
group_split(triaje_anormal) %>%
map(~ group_split(.x, colpo_result_1)) %>%
map_depth(2, ~ .x %>%
select(biopsia_result_1) %>%
tbl_summary(missing = "always",
statistic = list(all_categorical() ~ "{n} ({p}"),
missing_text= "Casos perdidos",
digits = list(all_categorical() ~ c(0,1))) %>%
wb <- createWorkbook()
sheet_counter <- 1
for (i in seq_along(base2)) {
for (j in seq_along(base2[[i]])) {
# Crear el nombre de la hoja
sheet_name <-
paste0("Table", sheet_counter)
addWorksheet(wb, sheet_name)
# Crear el título
title <- paste("Tabla de biopsia_result_1 de mujeres positivas filtradas por el valor de triaje anormal", unique(base$triaje_anormal)[i],
"y el valor de colpo_result_1", unique(base$colpo_result_1)[j])
writeData(wb, sheet = sheet_name, title, startRow = 1, startCol = 1)
writeData(wb, sheet = sheet_name, base2[[i]][[j]], startRow = 3, startCol = 1)
sheet_counter <-
sheet_counter + 1
saveWorkbook(wb, "Reportes/Cuadros/Utilidades/si_tareas_2024_07_22_2tablas_triaje_colpo.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE)
I would think that as you construct the tables, you can record into an attribute the table label you would want to use, and then later when you loop through, you can extract that and use that however.
for example
r1 <- mtcars |>
group_split(am) |>
map(~ group_split(.x, gear)) |>
map_depth(2,\(x) {
am_cat <- unique(pull(x,am))
gear_cat <- unique(pull(x,gear))
table_label <- paste0("am: ", am_cat," gear: ",gear_cat)
table_result <- x |>
select(hp) |>
tbl_summary(missing = "always",
statistic = list(all_categorical() ~ "{n} ({p}"),
missing_text= "Casos perdidos",
digits = list(all_categorical() ~ c(0,1))) |>
attributes(table_result) <- append(attributes(table_result),list(table_label=table_label))
# lets get the last table
#access the table_label on it
attr(r1[[2]][[2]],which = "table_label")
# [1] "am: 1 gear: 5"
# lets get the first table
#access the table_label on it
attr(r1[[1]][[1]],which = "table_label")
# [1] "am: 0 gear: 3"
I dont understand your issue...
You havent been explicit whether my example runs on your machine and does what I expect it does.
I expect that my code does work and lets you associate arbitrary text (a title) as an attribute set on a data.frame.
Therefore its possible to have code that a) writes the data.frame into an excel sheet b) writes the title attribute associated with that excel sheet into a row/cell used for that purpose.