Hi All,
Is there a way to customize error page ?
For example: user is trying to access site as HTTP instead of HTTPS; I would like to implement custom error message instead of the standard "Page not found".
is this possible?
Hi All,
Is there a way to customize error page ?
For example: user is trying to access site as HTTP instead of HTTPS; I would like to implement custom error message instead of the standard "Page not found".
is this possible?
These error pages are not currently customizable, but we can add this idea to our backlog. What would you want to customize?
I think there is an option to also redirect your user. If they go to HTTP, you send them to HTTPS - no more error page.
Not the answer you are looking for but it is just to let you know in case you don't know this feature.
Thanks; I need to check this feature; does it come along rstudio connect?
You can find the option in rstudio connect admin guide
Look at configuration and security chapter on https
I was looking for option; if user uses http; error message would guide user with correct url details.
Thanks!! will try this option of http redirect in case customization doesnot work
Hi All,
I have tried http redirect today; it looks fine.
I am still trying out customization; will update this thread as I make progress.
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