custom syntax highlight in html_vignette

Hi all,

When producing a PDF from an RMarkdown document, it is possible to change the underlying .tex based tokens such as KeywordTok, AttributeTok, FunctionTok etc.

I would like to do the same for a package vignette. I searched everywhere (over the internet, inside package rmarkdown .css files etc.) but I am still unable to get this done. For instance, changing the colors from the bottom of rmarkdown/templates/html_vignette/resources/vignette.css (e.g., doesn't seem to have any effect when re-knitting the .Rmd document.

I also tried to change that file and supply it as a custom .css inside the yaml header, and still no good result.

I would be grateful for any hint,

EDIT: this seems to be related [FR] improve default syntax highlighting for vignettes · Issue #2360 · rstudio/rmarkdown · GitHub

To answer my own question, the problem was an older Pandoc version. Updating Pandoc suddently solved everything, as described here:

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