I am trying to sort character columns where I need to sort as per my customization as shown below. It is working by default. But when we click on the sorting arrow, it is soring as per alphabets only. Can we not sort it as per the customization i have done
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output, session) {
table1 <- mtcars
table1$new <- rownames(mtcars)
table1 <- table1 %>% mutate(sort_new = ifelse(new == "Hornet 4 Drive",1,ifelse(new == "Mazda RX4 Wag",2, ifelse(new == "Mazda RX4",3,
ifelse(new == "Hornet Sportabout",4,
ifelse(new == "Valiant",5,
ifelse(new == "Datsun 710",6,7))))))) %>% arrange(desc(-sort_new))
output$tab <- renderDataTable({
datatable(head(table1, n = 6))
shinyApp(ui, server)