Creating github discussions using {gh}

I'm trying to migrate about 4000 disqus comments to a giscus system, which is based on Github Discussions. I've used Maëlle Salmon's post at Goodbye, Disqus! Hello, Utterances! · Maëlle's R Blog to export my disqus comments and wrangled them into a tibble.

#> # A tibble: 4,006 × 5
#>    thread_id message                                     date       author title
#>    <chr>     <chr>                                       <date>     <chr>  <chr>
#>  1 465692497 "<p>It has worked perfectly well. Thank yo… 2009-07-30 George Sync…
#>  2 465692497 "<p>the forward search does not work.</p><… 2009-07-31 Prof.… Sync…
#>  3 465692497 "<p>Thanks. Pressing F8 opens up the docum… 2009-07-31 y. ca… Sync…
#>  4 465692497 "<p>Hello again,<br>            Sorry abou… 2009-07-31… Sync…
#>  5 465692497 "<p>To Y. Calleecharan: I think the proble… 2009-08-01 Rob J… Sync…
#>  6 465692497 "<p>Thanks. Yes indeed I'm using TeXLive. … 2009-08-01… Sync…
#>  7 465692497 "<p>Thanks for your very prompt reply. I'l… 2009-08-02 y. ca… Sync…
#>  8 465692497 "<p>Just a comment: In the instructions li… 2009-08-02 y. ca… Sync…
#>  9 465692420 "<p>For more on this theme, see today's NY… 2009-08-06 Rob J… Stat…
#> 10 465692546 "<p>Here is another book on R: <a href=\"h… 2009-08-17 Aziz   R bo…
#> # … with 3,996 more rows

I have set up giscus on my github repo and tested that it is working ok.

Next I need to generate a github discussion post from each line of the tibble. It looks like that is possibly using gh::gh() with the github API, but I'm not sure how to do it. Anyone done something similar?

The solution is here: Rob J Hyndman - Migrating from Disqus to giscus

Thanks to @mitchelloharawild for his assistance.

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