Hi, I am new to R. I am learning to code to perform meta-analysis. I am reading Doing Meta-Analysis in R. I encountered this error. Is anyone able to help with this?
Make sure meta and dmetar are already loaded
Extensive documentation for the dmetar package can be found at:
Welcome! | Doing Meta-Analysis in R
library(meta)Load dataset from dmetar (or download and open manually)
Use metcont to pool results.
m.cont <- metacont(n.e = n.e,
mean.e = mean.e,
sd.e = sd.e,
n.c = n.c,
mean.c = mean.c,
sd.c = sd.c,
studlab = author,
data = SuicidePrevention,
sm = "SMD",
method.smd = "Hedges",
fixed = FALSE,
random = TRUE,
method.tau = "REML",
hakn = TRUE,
title = "Suicide Prevention")
Review: Suicide Prevention
SMD 95%-CI %W(random)
Berry et al. -0.1428 [-0.4315; 0.1459] 15.6
DeVries et al. -0.6077 [-0.9402; -0.2752] 12.3
Fleming et al. -0.1112 [-0.6177; 0.3953] 5.7
Hunt & Burke -0.1270 [-0.4725; 0.2185] 11.5
McCarthy et al. -0.3925 [-0.7884; 0.0034] 9.0
Meijer et al. -0.2676 [-0.5331; -0.0021] 17.9
Rivera et al. 0.0124 [-0.3454; 0.3703] 10.8
Watkins et al. -0.2448 [-0.6848; 0.1952] 7.4
Zaytsev et al. -0.1265 [-0.5062; 0.2533] 9.7
Number of studies: k = 9
Number of observations: o = 1147 (o.e = 571, o.c = 576)
SMD 95%-CI t p-value
Random effects model -0.2304 [-0.3734; -0.0874] -3.71 0.0059
Quantifying heterogeneity:
tau^2 = 0.0044 [0.0000; 0.0924]; tau = 0.0661 [0.0000; 0.3040]
I^2 = 7.4% [0.0%; 67.4%]; H = 1.04 [1.00; 1.75]
Test of heterogeneity:
Q d.f. p-value
8.64 8 0.3738
Details on meta-analytical method:
- Inverse variance method
- Restricted maximum-likelihood estimator for tau^2
- Q-Profile method for confidence interval of tau^2 and tau
- Hartung-Knapp adjustment for random effects model (df = 8)
- Hedges' g (bias corrected standardised mean difference; using exact formulae)
sortvar = TE,
prediction = TRUE,
print.tau2 = FALSE,
leftlabs = c("Author", "g", "SE"))
Error in forest.meta(m.gen, sortvar = TE, prediction = TRUE, print.tau2 = FALSE, :
could not find function "forest.meta"