Creating Bar plot with Standard Error Bars in RStudio

I currently have a .csv containing water quality data taken from 22 rainfall events. For each event, I collected pH, TDS, EC, TSS, DOC, NH4, NO3, NO2, PO4, Zn, Fe, and Cl measurements at 12 sites (identified as "C1Up", "C1in1", "C1In2", "C1Out", "C1Down", "C2In", "C2Out", "C3In", and "C3Out". The format of my date file is:

Values showing NA indicate that that parameter was not measured at that site on that day.

EventNo,Date,Year,Site,pH ,TDS,Ec,Turbidity (NTU),TSS (g/L),DOC (mg/L),Ammonia,Nitrate,Nitrite,Phosphate,Zinc ,Iron,Chloride
1,05-Aug,2022, C2Out,7.85,42,85,3.95,NA,NA,0.36,0.178,0.009,0.16,0.10,0.17,22.0

I want to use this data to create a bar plot with means and standard error bars, showing the water quality data among sites. I have provided a sample plot below:

Does anyone have any advice as to how to code this in R?


Hi, @brant , function geom_errorbar() and geom_text() in ggplot2 maybe helpful. You coluld learn it.

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