I'm trying to produce a map similar to this one:
I found some code to produce a somewhat similar map to get me started. However, the regions outside of the US mainland are omitted from the output. It seems like map_data('state')
does not include all US regions.
I would appreciate some direction to get the desired map.
Thank you in advance!
us.map <- map_data('state')
# add PADD zones
us.map$PADD[us.map$region %in%
c("maine", "vermont", "new hampshire", "massachusetts", "connecticut", "rhode island",
"new york", "pennsylvania", "new jersey", "delaware", "district of columbia", "maryland",
"west virginia", "virginia", "north carolina", "south carolina", "georgia", "florida")] <- "PADD 1: East Coast"
us.map$PADD[us.map$region %in%
c("south dakota", "north dakota","nebraska", "kansas", "oklahoma",
"minnesota", "iowa", "missouri", "wisconsin", "illinois", "indiana",
"michigan", "ohio", "kentucky", "tennessee")] <- "PADD 2: Midwest"
us.map$PADD[us.map$region %in%
c("new mexico", "texas", "arkansas", "louisiana", "alabama", "mississippi")] <- "PADD 3: Gulf Coast"
us.map$PADD[us.map$region %in%
c("montana", "idaho", "wyoming", "utah", "colorado")] <- "PADD 4: Rocky Mountain"
us.map$PADD[us.map$region %in%
c("washington", "oregon", "nevada", "arizona", "california")] <- "PADD 5: West Coast"
# subset the dataframe by padd zones and move lat/lon accordingly
us.map$lat.transp[us.map$PADD == "PADD 1: East Coast"] <- us.map$lat[us.map$PADD == "PADD 1: East Coast"]
us.map$long.transp[us.map$PADD == "PADD 1: East Coast"] <- us.map$long[us.map$PADD == "PADD 1: East Coast"] + 5
us.map$lat.transp[us.map$PADD == "PADD 2: Midwest"] <- us.map$lat[us.map$PADD == "PADD 2: Midwest"]
us.map$long.transp[us.map$PADD == "PADD 2: Midwest"] <- us.map$long[us.map$PADD == "PADD 2: Midwest"]
us.map$lat.transp[us.map$PADD == "PADD 3: Gulf Coast"] <- us.map$lat[us.map$PADD == "PADD 3: Gulf Coast"] - 3
us.map$long.transp[us.map$PADD == "PADD 3: Gulf Coast"] <- us.map$long[us.map$PADD == "PADD 3: Gulf Coast"]
us.map$lat.transp[us.map$PADD == "PADD 4: Rocky Mountain"] <- us.map$lat[us.map$PADD == "PADD 4: Rocky Mountain"]
us.map$long.transp[us.map$PADD == "PADD 4: Rocky Mountain"] <- us.map$long[us.map$PADD == "PADD 4: Rocky Mountain"] - 5
us.map$lat.transp[us.map$PADD == "PADD 5: West Coast"] <- us.map$lat[us.map$PADD == "PADD 5: West Coast"] - 2
us.map$long.transp[us.map$PADD == "PADD 5: West Coast"] <- us.map$long[us.map$PADD == "PADD 5: West Coast"] - 10
# add labels
states <- aggregate(cbind(long.transp, lat.transp) ~ region, data=us.map,
states$labels <- c("AL", "AR", "AZ", "CA", "CO", "CT", "DE", "DC", "FL", "GA", "IA",
"ID", "IL", "IN", "KS", "KY", "LA", "MA", "MD", "ME", "MI", "MN",
"MO", "MS", "MT", "NC", "ND", "NE", "NH", "NJ", "NM", "NV", "NY",
"OH", "OK", "OR", "PA", "RI", "SC", "SD", "TN", "TX", "UT", "VA",
"VT", "WA", "WI", "WV", "WY")
# plot and use padd zone as fill
ggplot(us.map, aes(x=long.transp, y=lat.transp), colour="white") +
geom_polygon(aes(group = group, fill=PADD)) +
geom_text(data=states, aes(long.transp, lat.transp, label=labels), size=3) +
theme(panel.background = element_blank(), # remove background
panel.grid = element_blank(),
axis.line = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_blank(),
axis.ticks = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_blank()) +
Created on 2022-06-03 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)