Creating a graph but getting error message: unexpected symbol in... and can't find 'stat'

I tried creating a basic graph with the code below and I keep the message: Error: unexpected symbol in " geom_bar( aes ( x = Specimen Month"


ggplot(Inmatelist) +
geom_bar( aes ( x = Specimen Month), fill = Test Results (blue)

I do the same code without the "+" and I keep getting the same results.
I tried another code:

ggplot(Inmatelist, aes(x = Specimen Month, y = Test Result, fill=supp)) +
geom_bar(stat="Inmatelist", position=position_dodge()) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="Paired") +
theme_minimal ()
labs(x = "Specimen Month", y = "Test Result", title = "HCJ Results by Month")

and I get the error code:

Error: Can't find stat called 'Inmatelist'
Run rlang::last_error() to see where the error occurred.

<ggproto object: Class ScaleDiscrete, Scale, gg>
aesthetics: fill
axis_order: function
break_info: function
break_positions: function
breaks: waiver
call: call
clone: function
dimension: function
drop: TRUE
expand: waiver
get_breaks: function
get_breaks_minor: function
get_labels: function
get_limits: function
guide: legend
is_discrete: function
is_empty: function
labels: waiver
limits: NULL
make_sec_title: function
make_title: function
map: function
map_df: function
n.breaks.cache: NULL
na.translate: TRUE
na.value: NA
name: waiver
palette: function
palette.cache: NULL
position: left
range: <ggproto object: Class RangeDiscrete, Range, gg>
range: NULL
reset: function
train: function
super: <ggproto object: Class RangeDiscrete, Range, gg>
rescale: function
reset: function
scale_name: manual
train: function
train_df: function
transform: function
transform_df: function
super: <ggproto object: Class ScaleDiscrete, Scale, gg>
labs(x = "Specimen Month", y = "Test Result", title = "HCJ Results by Month")
[1] "Specimen Month"

[1] "Test Result"

[1] "HCJ Results by Month"

[1] "labels"

I have only used R to analyze data in a database. This is the first time I am analyzing data in an excel spreadsheet. I am also still new to R. The data is categorical as well, I don't know if that makes a difference. Test results are positive, negative, or unknown. The months is January, February, etc.

That should not make any difference once the data is in R

You have some mistakes in your syntax but first, I think we need to se some sample data.
See ?dput for a good way to supply some or have a look here for general hints on asking questions.

I cannot add data because it is confidential. Also, that was a few days again and I no longer can do the summary because R could not find the excel sheet.

Why does this affect a summary?

Can you make up some data? The real questions, I think are the data types and the column names. You could make a copy of the data.frame and replace the actual data with randomly generated data.

When I tried to do the summary, it said the file could not be found.

I'll do that and see if I can get a summary.

Don't worry about the summary until we have some data to play with.

What do you get if you do:



Can you paste the output here?

I created the mock data and imported it via, "Import Dataset". Then I put the following:

read_table("Inmate List MOCK DATA.xlsx")

Inmatelist<-("Inmate List MOCK DATA.xlsx")


The results are:

! Multiple files in zip: reading ''[Content_Types].xml''

-- Column specification -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> = col_character()

A tibble: 1 x 1

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

1 "<Types xmlns="\"><Default"

! Multiple files in zip: reading ''[Content_Types].xml''

-- Column specification -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> = col_character()

A tibble: 1 x 1

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

1 "<Types xmlns="\"><Default"

Length Class Mode
1 character character
! Multiple files in zip: reading ''[Content_Types].xml''

-- Column specification -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> = col_character()

A tibble: 1 x 1

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

1 "<Types xmlns="\"><Default"

Length Class Mode
1 character character
chr "Inmate List MOCK DATA.xlsx"


#> # A tibble: 41 x 12
#> SPN Name Location Test.Date Age Gender Test.Result.Date Test.Result
#> 1 1.24e6 Tomm~ Tank E 1/1/2021 53 M 1/2/2021 Negative
#> 2 1.24e6 Jay ~ Tank B 1/2/2021 38 F 1/3/2021 Negative
#> 3 1.24e6 Stan~ Tank C 1/1/2021 76 F 1/2/2021 Positive
#> 4 1.25e6 Phoe~ Tank B 1/2/2021 35 F 1/3/2021 Negative
#> 5 1.25e6 Jack~ Tank D 1/1/2021 52 M 1/2/2021 Negative
#> 6 1.25e6 Iris~ Tank C 1/1/2021 59 M 1/2/2021 Positive
#> 7 1.24e6 Bay ~ Tank B 1/1/2021 42 M 1/2/2021 Negative
#> 8 1.26e6 Clar~ Tank D 1/1/2021 82 F 1/2/2021 Negative
#> 9 1.25e6 Magn~ Tank D 1/1/2021 41 M 1/2/2021 Negative
#> 10 1.24e6 Clar~ Tank D 1/1/2021 64 M 1/2/2021 Negative
#> # ... with 31 more rows, and 4 more variables: Is.Symptomatic? ,
#> # Test.Year , Result.Month , Result.Week


Inmatelist<-("Inmate List MOCK DATA.xlsx")

#> Error in read_table(Inmatelist): could not find function "read_table"
#> Length Class Mode
#> 1 character character
#> chr "Inmate List MOCK DATA.xlsx"
Created on 2021-02-10 by the reprex package (v1.0.0)

I was not clear enough.

I would like to see the results for the data.frame Inmatelist created from Inmatelist.xlsx when you do:


I am not sure what this is doing

read_table("Inmate List MOCK DATA.xlsx")

but it is not reading in the file as we want.


Inmatelist  <-  read_excel("Inmate List MOCK DATA.xlsx")
# then

It would be better to use a name such as mockdata for the mock data just to keep things separate.


mockdata  <-  read_excel("Inmate List MOCK DATA.xlsx")
# then to see what we get

A very simple and very effective way to supply some data is to use the dput() command.


and then simply copy the output and paste it here. If you have a very large data set then a sample should be fine. To supply us with 100 rows of your data set do

dput(head(mydata , 100))

where mydata is the name of your dataframe or tibble

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This is not a valid r object name , the space implies the end of a symbol and the start of another symbol. You can rename your variable to avoid this, or refer to it within backticks so that r understands it is a single symbol.

`Specimen Month`
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Thank you! I can't believe it. I am utterly amazed that it actually worked.

I did the str(mockdata) and it populated the information and dput(mockdata) populated everything. I tried to reprex the string and it says

#> Error in dput(mockdata): object 'mockdata' not found

I included the screenshot.

I used the ticks but nothing happened. I have ggplot2 loaded in my packages.

ggplot(mockdata, aes(x = Result Month, y = Test Result, fill=supp)) +
geom_bar(stat="mockdata", position=position_dodge()) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="Paired") +
theme_minimal ()
#> Error in ggplot(mockdata, aes(x = Result Month, y = Test Result, fill = supp)): could not find function "ggplot"
#> Error in scale_fill_manual(values = c("#102a4c", "#f37021")): could not find function "scale_fill_manual"
labs(x = "Result Month", y = "Test Result", title = "Results by Month")
#> Error in labs(x = "Result Month", y = "Test Result", title = "Results by Month"): could not find function "labs"

I dont know what that means, but my guess is that you have it installed but not loaded to the session.
You should do


Before all your other code.

It's loaded. I had loaded it before running the code.

I think we need to see some sample data.

The reprex isn't showing anything.

#> Error in dput(mockdata): object 'mockdata' not found

Had you used readexcel to make mockdata before attempting to dput it?

Yes, the reprex doesn't work, but when I put dput(mockdata), it works.