Creating a break (//) in my x-axis (date)

Hello! Here is an example code of the current data I am working with and my problem. I am trying to add a break into my x-axis with / /, currently using ggplot but if other packages work then that's great! I tried using plotrix and also using ggbreak and got the closest to my desired output with ggbreak but I would like the clean // break in my graph. This is probably due to my data for the x-axis being dates in POSIXct format as a lot of these packages are for continuous values. Please let me know if you have a solution for me, thank you!

Here is my code (apologies for the long set up for sample data):

# library -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create continuous data -----------------------------------------------------------------
x1 <- seq(0, 10, length.out = 100) 
y1 <- sin(x1)

# Create a gap in the data 
x_gap <- seq(10, 50, length.out = 1) 
y_gap <- rep(NA, length(x_gap)) 

# Create more continuous data after the gap
x2 <- seq(50, 60, length.out = 100) 
y2 <- cos(x2)  

# Combine all parts into a data frame
x <- c(x1, x_gap, x2)
y <- c(y1, y_gap, y2) 

# x-values to dates 
base_date <- as.Date("2025-03-17")
dates <- base_date + x

# Creating the data frame
df <- data.frame(date = dates, y = y)

# Plot the data  -----------------------------------------------------------------
p1 <- ggplot(df, aes(x = date, y = y)) +
  geom_line(color = "blue") +
  geom_smooth() + 
  labs(title = "Plot of Continuous Data with a Gap", x = "X", y = "Y") +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "gray", size = 0.2), panel.grid.minor = element_blank())

p1 + scale_x_break(c(20, 51))

plot(df$date, df$y, type = "l", col = "blue", main = "Plot with a Gap", xlab = "Time", ylab = "Value")

And here is an example of the type of break I am looking for

For your example illustration, where you have discrete data, one solution would be to convert your continuous x variable Month to a categorical one:
Month <- as.factor(Month)

But then I ran your code and see you have continuous numeric data with a break. I don't have a solution to that.

Another option is to create a var with a value for 1:3 and another value for 10:12 - and then facet by that variable. You can remove the strip labels if you want

Staying with continuous data, you can get the breaks at the correct location if they're in the right unit:

p1 +
  scale_x_break(as.Date(c("2025-04-01", "2025-05-01")))

Unfortunately, this converts the labels to numeric. But, scales_x_break() can be combined with other scales! So we can add a scale_x_continuous() on top of it to force relabelling:

p1 +
  scale_x_break(as.Date(c("2025-04-01", "2025-05-01"))) +

This is not enough: it just adds a second numeric scale in a weird way I can't explain. But, if we specify the breaks ourselves:

p1 +
  scale_x_break(as.Date(c("2025-04-01", "2025-05-01"))) +
  scale_x_continuous( breaks = scales::breaks_pretty(n = 10)(df$date) )

There is still a double scale on top, no idea why, but at least they all display correct dates.