I am trying to output a sas7bdat format dataset from R, but it can't be opened, any suggestion to solve the problem? here is a sample code, thank you!
mydata<- mtcars
haven::write_sas(mydata, "mydata.sas7bdat")
According to the help file:
The write_sas()
function has been deprecated.
creates sas7bdat files. Unfortunately the SAS file format is complex and undocumented, so write_sas()
is unreliable and in most cases SAS will not read files that it produces.
writes files in the open SAS transport format, which has limitations but will be reliably read by SAS.
how to import xpt file into SAS? thank you.
Another option is to use the foreign package which generates a delimited file and the data step syntax for reading in the file. If you're not using tempfiles - the path would make more sense than in this example and would be the actual path in the SAS code.
datafile <- tempfile()
codefile <- tempfile()
write.foreign(head(iris), datafile, codefile, package="SAS", dataname="iris_ds", validvarname="V7")
#> Some variable names were abbreviated or otherwise altered.
#> 5.1,3.5,1.4,0.2,1
#> 4.9,3,1.4,0.2,1
#> 4.7,3.2,1.3,0.2,1
#> 4.6,3.1,1.5,0.2,1
#> 5,3.6,1.4,0.2,1
#> 5.4,3.9,1.7,0.4,1
#> * Written by R;
#> * write.foreign(head(iris), datafile, codefile, package = "SAS", ;
#> value Species
#> 1 = "setosa"
#> 2 = "versicolor"
#> 3 = "virginica"
#> ;
#> DATA iris_ds ;
#> INFILE "C:\Users\sazimmer\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpeAHqom\file5ff446a5df2"
#> DSD
#> LRECL= 21 ;
#> Sepal_Length
#> Sepal_Width
#> Petal_Length
#> Petal_Width
#> Species
#> ;
#> LABEL Sepal_Length = "Sepal.Length" ;
#> LABEL Sepal_Width = "Sepal.Width" ;
#> LABEL Petal_Length = "Petal.Length" ;
#> LABEL Petal_Width = "Petal.Width" ;
#> FORMAT Species Species. ;
#> RUN;
Created on 2025-01-28 with reprex v2.1.1
Thank you for your response!
Following the link you provided, it works to create a xpt file, but unable to read into SAS, error message says it is not a SAS file.
I tried your sample code, didn't find the generated dataset. Thanks.
For my example, I made temporary files. You should add actual names such as:
datafile <- "iris.dat"
codefile <- "read_iris.sas"
Got it, will try again, thank you!