I am creating a Shiny app using structure as below:
ui = dashboardPage(
header = dashboardHeader(disable = TRUE), sidebar = dashboardSidebar(width = 0), body = dashboardBody( tags$head( # Note the wrapping of the string in HTML() tags$style( body { background-color: black; color: white; } h2 { font-family: 'Yusei Magic', sans-serif; } .shiny-input-container { color: #474747; }"))), ### changing theme shinyDashboardThemes( theme = "onenote" ), # fluidRow( column(12, align="center", offset = 0, style='padding:0px;', div(img(src="Picture2.jpg", height='100%', width='100%')) ) ), # br(), box( ), box( ), fluidRow(width = 12, )), fluidRow( ), fluidRow( ), fluidRow( )), column(8, box( width = 12, background = NULL, fluidRow( background = NULL, plotlyOutput("plot1")) ))))),
server = function(input, output) {
# Create a "data_source" reactive variable data_intacc <- reactive({ data <- ind1 return(data) }) output$plot <-renderPlotly({ data <- data_intacc() })
I want to organize my code so in the last fluidRow of my UI I will have 2 boxes.
In the left box I need to have a Select box widget. Based on this selection I need in the right box to be shown an interface (other widgets and plot).
Because this interfaces are numerous (different plots) I want each of them in a single module .
I am reading some sources about Shiny modules but still I cannot make it work for my case.
Can you please help with small example?