Create label for factors

Using following code to create labels for a factor variable:

group<- c("1", "2", "3")
labels<- paste("c\"", group[1], "\"=\"Reference\",\"", group[2], "\"=\"Level2\",\"",
               group[3], "\"=\"Level3\")", sep = "")
group.labels<- eval(parse(text = labels))
When running the last statement group.labels<- eval(parse(text = labels)), got error message: 
> group.labels<- eval(parse(text = labels))
Error in parse(text = labels) : <text>:1:2: unexpected string constant
1: c"1"
Does anyone know what is the problem? Thank you.

Is there a reason to avoid doing it the usual way?


head((object <- data.frame(membership = sample(1:3,30,replace = TRUE))))
#>   membership
#> 1          1
#> 2          1
#> 3          1
#> 4          1
#> 5          2
#> 6          2

object$membership <- factor(object$membership, 
                            labels = c("Reference",
#>   membership
#> 1  Reference
#> 2  Reference
#> 3  Reference
#> 4  Reference
#> 5     Level2
#> 6     Level2

Created on 2023-04-09 with reprex v2.0.2

Thank you for your response, I am gonna try this way if works in visualization.

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