Create figure with file structure

How can I create figures which display the file structure like a tree, for instance like this (taken from 12.2 Project structure | R Markdown: The Definitive Guide (
I am using Quarto.

├──  index.Rmd
├── 01-intro.Rmd
├── 02-literature.Rmd
├── 03-method.Rmd
├── 04-application.Rmd
├── 05-summary.Rmd
├── 06-references.Rmd
├── _bookdown.yml
├── _output.yml
├──  book.bib
├──  preamble.tex
└──  style.css

Hi @DBScan. I've found the data.tree package very useful in creating file structure displays.


# example data
df = data.frame(var1 = 'directory',
                var2 = c('index.Rmd',

# create pathString to establish the file hierarchy
df$pathString = paste(df$var1, df$var2, sep = '/')

#>              levelName
#> 1  directory          
#> 2   ¦--index.Rmd      
#> 3   ¦--intro.Rmd      
#> 4   ¦--literature.Rmd 
#> 5   ¦--method.Rmd     
#> 6   ¦--application.Rmd
#> 7   ¦--summary.Rmd    
#> 8   ¦--references.Rmd 
#> 9   ¦--bookdown.yml   
#> 10  ¦--output.yml     
#> 11  ¦--book.bib       
#> 12  ¦--preamble.tex   
#> 13  ¦      
#> 14  °--style.css

Created on 2024-01-16 with reprex v2.0.2

Thanks @scottyd22, this looks quite useful.

In the end, I ended up with querying my file structure with the tree command in the terminal and then copy-paste in the Quarto document.

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As a quarto chunk:

cat(dir_tree(path = "~/directory", recurse = TRUE))

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