Hi all- I am trying to generate error bars for a scatter plot, where each set of points has a different length and associated error. I have looked around quite a bit but havent been able to find anything that quite applies to what I am doing here.
I installed plotrix, as I read that this has the capability of adding error bars. However, I cannot get the error bars to actually show up, and when I put plotCI as a leading command rather than points (for subsequent data sets), my points disappear. I will attach the code for what I am doing below.
#this is how i generate error for the first set of points. I also have to generate separate error bars for each of the other 3 sets of data points (not shown). In all cases, the upper error is equal to the lower error.
uiw = 100*(AGUpostercalcs_chew_Sheet1_1_Precip_SD/AGUpostercalcs_chew_Sheet1_1_Precip US Budyko (mm/yr)
title(main = "Late pleistocene lake highstands")
plot(AGUpostercalcs_chew_Sheet1_1_`Age (ka)`, AGUpostercalcs_chew_Sheet1_1_% Modern
, xlab = "Time before present (ka)", ylab = "Relative Precipitation (%)", ylim=c(40,260), xlim=c(13,22.5), type = "p", pch = 18, cex = 1.9, cex.axis = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.3, col = "black")
new =TRUE
points(AGUpostercalcs_chew_Sheet1_1_`Age (ka)`, AGUpostercalcs_chew_Sheet1_1_% Modern_1
, type = "p", pch = 19, col = "black", cex = 1.7, cex.axis = 12)
points(AGUpostercalcs_surprise_Sheet1_1_`Age (ka)`, AGUpostercalcs_surprise_Sheet1_1_% Modern
, type = "p", pch = 18, col = "dodgerblue", cex = 1.9, cex.axis = 12)
points(AGUpostercalcs_surprise_Sheet1_1_`Age (ka)`, AGUpostercalcs_surprise_Sheet1_1_% Modern_1
, type = "p", pch = 19, col = "dodgerblue", cex = 1.7, cex.axis = 12)
#yplus_surp = 100*(AGUpostercalcs_surprise_Sheet1_1_Precip_SD/AGUpostercalcs_surprise_Sheet1_1_Precip US Budyko (mm/yr)
#yplus_chew = 100*(AGUpostercalcs_chew_Sheet1_1_Precip_SD/AGUpostercalcs_chew_Sheet1_1_Precip US Budyko (mm/yr)
#yplus_surp_new = 100*(AGUpostercalcs_surprise_Sheet1_1_Precip_SD_1/AGUpostercalcs_surprise_Sheet1_1_Precip US Budyko (mm/yr)
#yplus_chew_new = 100*(AGUpostercalcs_chew_Sheet1_1_Precip_SD_1/AGUpostercalcs_chew_Sheet1_1_Precip US SW Budyko (mm/yr)
#error.bar(yplus,yminus, add = True, lty=1)
legend("bottomleft", legend=c("Lake Chewaucan","Lake Chewaucan (new Budyko parameter)", "Lake Surprise", "Lake Surprise (new Budyko parameter)"),
col=c("black","black", "dodgerblue","dodgerblue"), pch = c (18, 19, 18, 19), lty=c(1,1), cex=0.8, bty="n")
Anyway, I hope this is enough information to go on. Sorry for what may be a fairly basic question and thanks for the help!