I am trying to make a simple shiny app where based on the input from selectInput
I subset an existing data frame (code below). From this data frame that has been subset, I want to create a few more data frames with some calculations as show in the example below.
The Shiny app
ui = pageWithSidebar(
selectInput('var1', "IP SLNO", choices = rev_21$serial_number)
server = function(input, output, session){
tab = reactive({subset(rev_21,serial_number == input$var1, select = c("serial_number","order_number","follow_up","created_date","completed_data", "which_month",
"cause","criticallity","order_reason","country","region" ,"...."))})
# overview = reactive({ tab()
# })
output$table = renderTable({tab()})
shinyApp(ui, server)
In the app I have been able to subset and create a new data frame from a larger data frame. (all columns are not listed to keep the example df short. I can provide the data if needed)
Using data in this I want to now create two data frames and display them. I am not sure how to access the data passed to the reactive function object tab() to do this.
Examples of the DF I want from this are below (created manually for example purpos)
overview = data.frame(
"location" = p1$country[1],
"region" = p1$region[1
"slno" = p1$serial_number[1]
"start_date" = p1$main_start_date[1],
"total_order_created" = NROW(unique(p1$order_number)),
"days_to_first_order" = p1$first_date[1]-min(p1$created_date),
"days_last_recorded_order" = max(p1$created_date) - p1$completed_date[1],
"types_of_order_created" = NROW(unique(p1$order_category)),
"max_time" = max(p1$completed_on - p1$created_date),
"min_time" = min(p1$completed_on - p1$created_date),
"total_faults" = NROW((p1$failure_categories[which(!is.na(p1$failure_categories) & p1$failure_categories!="NPF")])),
"total_unique_faults" = NROW(unique(p1$failure_categories[which(p1$failure_categories!="NPF")]))
for (i in 1:length(failure_list) )
days_to_failure$order_number[i] = failure_list[i]
days_to_failure$failure_name[i] = p1$failure_categories[which(p1$order_number == failure_wo_list[i])]
days_to_failure$days[i] = p1$created_date[which(p1$order_number == failure_wo_list[i])]-
p1$created_date[which(p1$order_number == failure_list[i])]
days_to_failure$criticality[i] = p1$criticallity[which(p1$order_number == failure_list[i])]
I would like help in understanding how to access the reactive function object (tab) to
1) create additional DF based on the original subset data frame (tab())
2) how can I have a looping structure as show above to create another data frame,
the looping condition for which is also taken from one of the columns of the subset dataframe.
Thanks in Advance!!