Create Bar Chart of Data


I have a .csv file (rainfallData.csv) containing pH data among several sites and sample dates. My .csv data is in the following format. I want to use this data to create a bar plot showing the mean pH for each site (with site on the x-axis, pH on the y-axis, and a different colored bar for each site. I would also like to add standard error bars to each bar. Does anyone have any advice?

Date, Year, Site, pH 
05-Apr, 2023, Site 1, 7.65
05-Apr, 2023, Site 2, 7.24
05-Apr, 2023, Site 3, 7.13
05-Apr, 2023, Site 4, 7.65

You might find this useful Bar plot in ggplot2 with geom_bar and geom_col | R CHARTS

We really need more information about the data to do much more. For example where are the data for the standard error bars coming from?

Based on the data presented, this may help making a plot

DT <- data.table::data.table(
        Date = c("05-Apr", "05-Apr", "05-Apr", "05-Apr"),
        Year = c(2023L, 2023L, 2023L, 2023L),
        Site = c("Site 1", "Site 2", "Site 3", "Site 4"),
          pH = c(7.65, 7.24, 7.13, 7.65)

ggplot(DT, aes(Site, pH, fill = Site)) + geom_col()

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