Hi @williaml
Thanks for your input. Sorry for the confusion. I'm pretty new to R and is trying to learn things as I progress.
I have now come up with the R code for this example:
dataset <- tibble::tribble(
~flights, ~attribute, ~Value,
"Emirates", "ETA", "12:30:00",
"Emirates", "Arr Time", "14:50:00 PM",
"Turkish Airlines", "ETA", "17:30:00 PM",
"Turkish Airlines", "Arr Time", "18:50:00 PM",
"Cathay Pacific", "ETA", "19:30:00 PM",
"Cathay Pacific", "Arr Time", "14:50:00 PM",
"Qatar Airways", "ETA", "20:30:00 PM",
"Qatar Airways", "Arr Time", "20:50:00 PM",
"Lefthansa", "ETA", "12:30:00",
"Lefthansa", "Arr Time", "13:50:00"
c1_graph <- ggplot(dataset, aes(flights,Value, fill= attribute)) +
geom_col(width=0.4, position=position_dodge(width=0.5)) +
In y axis, I would only want to see 13:50:00, 17:30:00 and 19:30:00.
scale_y_datetime does not seem to work, as I dont have date in the dataset.