Create a hidden/password protected website page

I have a website I use for my statistics course.

I was wondering if there was a way to hide/show webpages as answers to homework assignments on the webpage or use some kind of password protection? I've created some pages that go into answers to the homework, but I don't want students to have immediate access to them on my primary site.

Any help or ideas would be helpful. I created the website using quarto and it's hosted on github.

Hi @jvanster -

Assuming the source code for the answers isn't publicly available, and you don't need weapons-grade security, could you do a simple if statement to gate the answer content? I'm thinking an input box at the top of the document where you'd submit the password, and upon success, the answer content would then be shown.

(This might be more of a Shiny possibility than Quarto, just typing-off-the-cuff here)


This may be useful: GitHub - nikitoshina/staticryptR

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