COVID-19 Advanced Dashboard - Shiny Contest Submission

COVID-19 Advanced Dashboard

Authors: Khaled M alqahtani

Abstract: COVID 19 is the Corona Virus , an Rshiny application offering powerful Analysis tools.

Full Description: COVID 19 is the Corona Virus , an Rshiny application offering powerful Analysis tools which contain 6 platforms as follows: Descriptive Analysis (credit to DrFabach), Growth rate and Curve flatting, Cumulative forecast (credit to Ben Phillips),Daily Cases forcasting, Newspaper Analysis, and TV Analysis. This page is an interface to the data collected from Johns Hopkins CSSE,and some GDELT APIs. The data is 1 day behind current data (credit to Andre Calero). The author is Dr Khaled M Alqahtani. Credit to Andre Calero, DrFabach, and Ben Phillips at the University of Melbourne

Keywords: Descriptive Analysis , Growth rate and Curve flatting, Cumulative forecast ,Daily Cases forecasting, Newspaper Analysis, and TV Analysis.
Shiny app:
Repo: GitHub - DrAlqahtani/COVID-19-R-shiny-Advanced-Dashboard
RStudio Cloud:


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