Cover letter for 'Software Engineering Internship' position?


Super happy to see that RStudio has finally opened applications for summer internships this year and I'm looking forward to apply for multiple roles, but I was wondering if there is a way to attach a cover letter (since I have been writing one) in my application for the Software Engineering Internship role, as I do not see an option for that in that page, as opposed to the pages for the other roles!

It would still be possible for me to say, include a link to it (google drive or a page in my website for instance), but I was wondering if that is recommended to do so, given that it is not a requisite (or appears to not be!) for this position?

Thank you! Yes, it's not required for that role. You're welcome to include it as a link, or convey the ideas you would in a cover letter in the question on that application.

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