count the number of days between the appointments taken by the same patient.

I am trying to count the number of days between the appointments taken by the same patient. However, when I execute the code I get the difference for few values in a negative scale even if I am sorting the dates. Can you let me know where I can make changes to get the right answer?

Here is the reprex link:

The link you posted is for a file on your device, and obviously we can't access it. Please provide a reprex as suggested here.

1 Like
#> Attaching package: 'lubridate'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base':
#>     date
pat_id <- c(001,001,001, 002, 002, 002, 002,
            003,003,003,003, 004,004,004,004,004)
visit_date <- mdy(c('1/3/2019','1/28/2019','3/7/2019',
                '1/4/2019','1/19/2019', '1/31/2019', '3/7/2019',
                '1/2/2019','4/17/2019', '5/31/2019', '7/18/2019',
                '1/4/2019','6/2/2019', '8/12/2019', '10/31/2019',
visits <- data.frame(pat_id, visit_date)

visits %>% 
  group_by(pat_id) %>% 
  mutate(days_btwn_visits = visit_date - lag(visit_date))
#> # A tibble: 16 x 3
#> # Groups:   pat_id [4]
#>    pat_id visit_date days_btwn_visits
#>     <dbl> <date>     <time>          
#>  1      1 2019-01-03  NA days        
#>  2      1 2019-01-28  25 days        
#>  3      1 2019-03-07  38 days        
#>  4      2 2019-01-04  NA days        
#>  5      2 2019-01-19  15 days        
#>  6      2 2019-01-31  12 days        
#>  7      2 2019-03-07  35 days        
#>  8      3 2019-01-02  NA days        
#>  9      3 2019-04-17 105 days        
#> 10      3 2019-05-31  44 days        
#> 11      3 2019-07-18  48 days        
#> 12      4 2019-01-04  NA days        
#> 13      4 2019-06-02 149 days        
#> 14      4 2019-08-12  71 days        
#> 15      4 2019-10-31  80 days        
#> 16      4 2019-12-11  41 days

Created on 2019-02-23 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

#> Installing package into 'C:/Users/MeghanaTunga/Documents/R/win-library/3.4'
#> (as 'lib' is unspecified)
#> package 'datapasta' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
#> The downloaded binary packages are in
#>  C:\Users\MeghanaTunga\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmp4gOmpW\downloaded_packages
#> Attaching package: 'lubridate'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:chron':
#>     days, hours, minutes, seconds, years
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base':
#>     date
rdata <- read.csv("C:\\Users\\MeghanaTunga\\Desktop\\meg\\rdata3.csv",header=T, na.strings=c("","NA"))
#> 1      SCH        MED    67350046       04-12-2009         17:30:00
#> 2      SCH        MED    67350046       04-12-2009         17:40:00
#> 3      SCH        MED    67350046       04-12-2009         17:50:00
#> 4      SCH        MED    67350046       04-12-2009         18:00:00
#> 5      SCH        MED    67350046       04-12-2009         18:10:00
#> 6      SCH        MED    67350046       04-12-2009         18:20:00
#> 1   12210741  Telephone Visit   04-12-2009     15:05:00         Y
#> 2    5491175  Telephone Visit   04-12-2009     16:15:00         Y
#> 3   15740599  Telephone Visit   04-12-2009     16:43:00         Y
#> 4   80420422  Telephone Visit   04-12-2009     16:53:00         Y
#> 5   86030202  Telephone Visit   04-12-2009     16:57:00         Y
#> 6   68651098  Telephone Visit   04-12-2009     17:14:00         Y
#> 1   04-12-2009     17:30:00
#> 2   04-12-2009     17:40:00
#> 3   04-12-2009     17:50:00
#> 4   04-12-2009     18:00:00
#> 5   04-12-2009     18:10:00
#> 6   04-12-2009     18:20:00

#>   [1] 67350046 23750102 49840144 64873696  5783730 21115592 99420159
#>   [8] 12830191 78380377 19290411 63190596 33280633 47080744 47510814
#>  [15] 27330822 39850863 39560883 92430939 18961081 38351123  1571160
#>  [22] 12801161 68591176 98601179  4621300 46301464 32171733 69941846
#>  [29] 38782013 86852028 22292052 30782063 24402122 57772125 78842167
#>  [36] 94752289 31082303 75512367 99042389 27602442 80252478 18582611
#>  [43] 80942738 88862818 75892827 15412841 20102932 85442948 68773016
#>  [50] 32813143 48993364 64973386 37153613 53083615 81053858 75913877
#>  [57] 69373906 42133974 66104036 26364062 22764222 33044243 68144266
#>  [64] 72424397 29374502 91634529 89114618 11574621 79864737 97854849
#>  [71] 59874975  5094990 97365139 61065326 28685352 86875358  7955370
#>  [78] 69815466  4915490 86285608 39655693 44225744 29085752 57025795
#>  [85] 68805846 76955917 26765922 53925925 16236031 63736116 92736209
#>  [92] 68196216 37886323 23066332  6746370 64766376 64646396 32396433
#>  [99] 42286434 85486448 42386474 91686479 29916512 99106589 41296694
#> [106] 80416718 45096734 63696826 25326992 78357077 58957125 50227155
#> [113] 52147405 14527411 54427475 88807508 16017531 52517545   927560
#> [120] 49027714 80207838 18298011 42448044 71888117 83538338 26578382
#> [127] 68158386 26568412 63598656 56988725 92638799 33658903 91668939
#> [134] 12638941 74778987 91929069   729290 65279356 96079429 65439446
#> [141] 94759599  4149630 33499633 77649687 48859704  7709710 18619711
#> [148] 15569861  5729880 80069968

#removing entries where checkin time has not been noted
#rdata$CHECKIN_TIME <- as.character(rdata$CHECKIN_TIME)
#rdata$CHECKIN_TIME[rdata$CHECKIN_TIME==""] <- "NA"
#rdata$CHECKIN_TIME <- as.factor(rdata$CHECKIN_TIME)
rdata2 <- na.omit(rdata)

rdata2$APPOINTMENT_TIME = gsub('^.* ','',rdata2$APPOINTMENT_TIME)
rdata2$APPOINTMENT_TIME = chron(times=rdata2$APPOINTMENT_TIME)

#to check if apppointment_time is greater or less than 5.30pm
#> 'data.frame':    111768 obs. of  12 variables:
#>  $ FACILITY        : Factor w/ 1 level "SCH": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ DEPARTMENT      : Factor w/ 1 level "MED": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ PROVIDER_ID     : int  67350046 67350046 67350046 67350046 67350046 67350046 67350046 67350046 67350046 67350046 ...
#>  $ APPOINTMENT_DATE: Factor w/ 193 levels "01-01-2010","01-02-2010",..: 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 ...
#>  $ APPOINTMENT_TIME:Class 'times'  atomic [1:111768] 0.729 0.736 0.743 0.75 0.757 ...
#>   .. ..- attr(*, "format")= chr "h:m:s"
#>  $ PATIENT_ID      : int  12210741 5491175 15740599 80420422 86030202 68651098 91221095 45771319 63531063 96011310 ...
#>  $ APPOINTMENT_TYPE: Factor w/ 2 levels "In-Person Visit",..: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
#>  $ BOOKING_DATE    : Factor w/ 266 levels "01-01-2010","01-02-2010",..: 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 ...
#>  $ BOOKING_TIME    : Factor w/ 1272 levels "00:00:00","00:01:00",..: 738 808 836 846 850 867 854 869 878 900 ...
#>  $ SHOW_CODE       : Factor w/ 3 levels "N","P","Y": 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
#>  $ CHECKIN_DATE    : Factor w/ 193 levels "01-01-2010","01-02-2010",..: 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 ...
#>  $ CHECKIN_TIME    : Factor w/ 790 levels "07:00:00","07:42:00",..: 590 600 610 620 630 640 650 670 680 690 ...
#>  - attr(*, "na.action")=Class 'omit'  Named int [1:13285] 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 ...
#>   .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:13285] "33" "34" "35" "36" ...
five_thirty = chron(times='17:30:00')
#> [1] "times"
rdata2$cc<- (ifelse((rdata2$APPOINTMENT_TIME) >= five_thirty,1,0))

#checkin time greater than 5.30 and appointment_type is telephone visit
rdata2$ccc <-(ifelse(rdata2$cc ==1 & rdata2$APPOINTMENT_TYPE == "Telephone Visit",1,0))

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:lubridate':
#>     intersect, setdiff, union
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> You have loaded plyr after dplyr - this is likely to cause problems.
#> If you need functions from both plyr and dplyr, please load plyr first, then dplyr:
#> library(plyr); library(dplyr)
#> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Attaching package: 'plyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
#>     arrange, count, desc, failwith, id, mutate, rename, summarise,
#>     summarize
#> The following object is masked from 'package:lubridate':
#>     here

#total number of patients afterhours
rd <-rdata2 %>% 
  group_by(PATIENT_ID) %>% filter(cc == 1) %>% filter(APPOINTMENT_TYPE == "Telephone Visit") %>%
  mutate(previous_date = lag(APPOINTMENT_DATE), days_count = APPOINTMENT_DATE - previous_date) %>% 
  filter(SHOW_CODE == "Y") 
#> # A tibble: 6 x 16
#> # Groups:   PATIENT_ID [5]
#>   <fct>    <fct>            <int> <date>           <S3: times>     
#> 1 SCH      MED           92430939 2010-05-06       18:50:00        
#> 2 SCH      MED           39655693 2010-05-24       17:50:00        
#> 3 SCH      MED           57772125 2010-05-06       19:00:00        
#> 4 SCH      MED           38782013 2010-03-18       17:50:00        
#> 5 SCH      MED           80416718 2010-01-18       17:50:00        
#> 6 SCH      MED           53083615 2010-01-07       19:30:00        
#> # ... with 11 more variables: PATIENT_ID <int>, APPOINTMENT_TYPE <fct>,
#> #   BOOKING_DATE <fct>, BOOKING_TIME <fct>, SHOW_CODE <fct>,
#> #   CHECKIN_DATE <fct>, CHECKIN_TIME <fct>, cc <dbl>, ccc <dbl>,
#> #   previous_date <date>, days_count <time>

Created on 2019-02-24 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

I am getting negative values in days count when I use this code. I arranged the dates in descending order but still getting the same error.

Is there a way you could share a subset of your data, i.e. with datapasta?) or by posting data and code on GitHub or a box link?

anonymized data

    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "4/12/2009",        "17:30:00",    12210741, "Telephone Visit",   "4/12/2009",    "15:05:00",        "Y",   "4/12/2009",    "17:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "4/12/2009",        "17:40:00",     5491175, "Telephone Visit",   "4/12/2009",    "16:15:00",        "Y",   "4/12/2009",    "17:40:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "4/12/2009",        "17:50:00",    15740599, "Telephone Visit",   "4/12/2009",    "16:43:00",        "Y",   "4/12/2009",    "17:50:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "4/12/2009",        "18:00:00",    80420422, "Telephone Visit",   "4/12/2009",    "16:53:00",        "Y",   "4/12/2009",    "18:00:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "4/12/2009",        "18:10:00",    86030202, "Telephone Visit",   "4/12/2009",    "16:57:00",        "Y",   "4/12/2009",    "18:10:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "4/12/2009",        "18:20:00",    68651098, "Telephone Visit",   "4/12/2009",    "17:14:00",        "Y",   "4/12/2009",    "18:20:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "4/12/2009",        "18:30:00",    91221095, "Telephone Visit",   "4/12/2009",    "17:01:00",        "Y",   "4/12/2009",    "18:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "4/12/2009",        "18:50:00",    45771319, "Telephone Visit",   "4/12/2009",    "17:16:00",        "Y",   "4/12/2009",    "18:50:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "4/12/2009",        "19:00:00",    63531063, "Telephone Visit",   "4/12/2009",    "17:25:00",        "Y",   "4/12/2009",    "19:00:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "4/12/2009",        "19:10:00",    96011310, "Telephone Visit",   "4/12/2009",    "17:47:00",        "Y",   "4/12/2009",    "19:10:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "4/12/2009",        "19:20:00",     1071301, "Telephone Visit",   "4/12/2009",    "17:54:00",        "Y",   "4/12/2009",    "19:20:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "4/12/2009",        "19:30:00",    28841329, "Telephone Visit",   "4/12/2009",    "18:21:00",        "Y",   "4/12/2009",    "19:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "4/12/2009",        "19:40:00",    95001285, "Telephone Visit",   "4/12/2009",    "18:40:00",        "Y",   "4/12/2009",    "19:40:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "8/12/2009",        "17:30:00",    43170522, "Telephone Visit",   "8/12/2009",    "15:12:00",        "Y",   "8/12/2009",    "17:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "8/12/2009",        "17:40:00",    85241162, "Telephone Visit",   "8/12/2009",    "17:38:00",        "Y",   "8/12/2009",    "17:47:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "8/12/2009",        "18:00:00",     3340506, "Telephone Visit",   "8/12/2009",    "17:58:00",        "Y",   "8/12/2009",    "18:00:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "8/12/2009",        "18:20:00",    76670349, "Telephone Visit",   "8/12/2009",    "17:49:00",        "Y",   "8/12/2009",    "18:20:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "8/12/2009",        "18:30:00",    62731301, "Telephone Visit",   "8/12/2009",    "17:56:00",        "Y",   "8/12/2009",    "18:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "8/12/2009",        "19:00:00",     3731365, "Telephone Visit",   "8/12/2009",    "18:07:00",        "Y",   "8/12/2009",    "19:00:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "8/12/2009",        "19:10:00",    97390513, "Telephone Visit",   "8/12/2009",    "18:56:00",        "Y",   "8/12/2009",    "19:10:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "31-12-2009",        "17:30:00",    63181235, "Telephone Visit",  "31-12-2009",    "15:19:00",        "Y",  "31-12-2009",    "17:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "31-12-2009",        "17:40:00",    69411106, "Telephone Visit",  "31-12-2009",    "16:38:00",        "Y",  "31-12-2009",    "17:40:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "31-12-2009",        "17:50:00",    45160188, "Telephone Visit",  "31-12-2009",    "16:54:00",        "Y",  "31-12-2009",    "17:50:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "31-12-2009",        "18:00:00",    91450306, "Telephone Visit",  "31-12-2009",    "16:53:00",        "Y",  "31-12-2009",    "18:00:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "31-12-2009",        "18:10:00",     5050502, "Telephone Visit",  "31-12-2009",    "17:09:00",        "Y",  "31-12-2009",    "18:10:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "31-12-2009",        "18:20:00",    75900475, "Telephone Visit",  "31-12-2009",    "17:19:00",        "Y",  "31-12-2009",    "18:20:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "31-12-2009",        "18:30:00",    20340517, "Telephone Visit",  "31-12-2009",    "17:32:00",        "Y",  "31-12-2009",    "18:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "31-12-2009",        "18:50:00",     9370441, "Telephone Visit",  "31-12-2009",    "17:57:00",        "Y",  "31-12-2009",    "18:50:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "31-12-2009",        "19:00:00",    91431322, "Telephone Visit",  "31-12-2009",    "17:58:00",        "Y",  "31-12-2009",    "19:00:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "31-12-2009",        "19:10:00",    83251369, "Telephone Visit",  "31-12-2009",    "18:42:00",        "Y",  "31-12-2009",    "19:10:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "31-12-2009",        "19:30:00",    82490338, "Telephone Visit",  "31-12-2009",    "16:12:00",        "Y",  "31-12-2009",    "19:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "31-12-2009",        "19:40:00",    90960652, "Telephone Visit",  "31-12-2009",    "19:00:00",        "Y",  "31-12-2009",    "19:40:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "8/1/2010",        "17:30:00",    54330589, "Telephone Visit",    "8/1/2010",    "16:41:00",        "P",            NA,            NA,
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "8/1/2010",        "17:40:00",    65701082, "Telephone Visit",    "8/1/2010",    "16:37:00",        "P",            NA,            NA,
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "8/1/2010",        "17:50:00",    97241181, "Telephone Visit",    "8/1/2010",    "16:49:00",        "P",            NA,            NA,
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "8/1/2010",        "18:00:00",    51920445, "Telephone Visit",    "8/1/2010",    "16:46:00",        "P",            NA,            NA,
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "8/1/2010",        "18:10:00",    91940202, "Telephone Visit",    "8/1/2010",    "17:00:00",        "P",            NA,            NA,
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "8/1/2010",        "18:20:00",    54330589, "Telephone Visit",    "8/1/2010",    "17:07:00",        "P",            NA,            NA,
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "8/1/2010",        "18:30:00",    60380961, "Telephone Visit",    "8/1/2010",    "17:07:00",        "P",            NA,            NA,
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "8/1/2010",        "18:50:00",     7230637, "Telephone Visit",    "8/1/2010",    "17:16:00",        "P",            NA,            NA,
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "8/1/2010",        "19:00:00",      370185, "Telephone Visit",    "8/1/2010",    "17:39:00",        "P",            NA,            NA,
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "8/1/2010",        "19:10:00",    91401298, "Telephone Visit",    "8/1/2010",    "17:45:00",        "P",            NA,            NA,
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "8/1/2010",        "19:20:00",    98480513, "Telephone Visit",    "8/1/2010",    "18:02:00",        "P",            NA,            NA,
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "8/1/2010",        "19:30:00",    39531029, "Telephone Visit",    "8/1/2010",    "18:05:00",        "P",            NA,            NA,
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "8/1/2010",        "19:40:00",    20691046, "Telephone Visit",    "8/1/2010",    "18:12:00",        "P",            NA,            NA,
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "10/1/2010",        "19:00:00",    39280227, "Telephone Visit",   "10/1/2010",    "16:20:00",        "N",            NA,            NA,
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "10/1/2010",        "19:10:00",    32030482, "Telephone Visit",   "10/1/2010",    "16:38:00",        "N",            NA,            NA,
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "10/1/2010",        "19:20:00",    37071301, "Telephone Visit",   "10/1/2010",    "18:17:00",        "N",            NA,            NA,
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "10/1/2010",        "19:45:00",    87420744, "In-Person Visit",   "10/1/2010",    "19:11:00",        "Y",   "10/1/2010",    "19:35:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-01-2010",        "17:30:00",    71870098, "Telephone Visit",  "14-01-2010",    "16:23:00",        "Y",  "14-01-2010",    "17:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-01-2010",        "17:40:00",    82130578, "Telephone Visit",  "14-01-2010",    "17:07:00",        "Y",  "14-01-2010",    "17:40:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-01-2010",        "17:50:00",    40570786, "Telephone Visit",  "14-01-2010",    "17:10:00",        "Y",  "14-01-2010",    "17:50:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-01-2010",        "18:00:00",    86170552, "Telephone Visit",  "14-01-2010",    "16:42:00",        "Y",  "14-01-2010",    "18:00:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-01-2010",        "18:10:00",    65150619, "Telephone Visit",  "14-01-2010",    "17:19:00",        "Y",  "14-01-2010",    "18:10:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-01-2010",        "18:20:00",    11851156, "Telephone Visit",  "14-01-2010",    "17:59:00",        "Y",  "14-01-2010",    "18:20:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-01-2010",        "18:30:00",    13911370, "Telephone Visit",  "14-01-2010",    "17:43:00",        "Y",  "14-01-2010",    "18:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-01-2010",        "18:50:00",    86680304, "Telephone Visit",  "14-01-2010",    "18:06:00",        "Y",  "14-01-2010",    "18:50:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-01-2010",        "19:00:00",    69110801, "Telephone Visit",  "14-01-2010",    "17:49:00",        "Y",  "14-01-2010",    "19:00:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-01-2010",        "19:10:00",    72930309, "Telephone Visit",  "14-01-2010",    "18:21:00",        "Y",  "14-01-2010",    "19:10:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-01-2010",        "19:20:00",    76391368, "Telephone Visit",  "14-01-2010",    "18:09:00",        "Y",  "14-01-2010",    "19:20:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-01-2010",        "19:30:00",    38580322, "Telephone Visit",  "14-01-2010",    "18:44:00",        "Y",  "14-01-2010",    "19:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-01-2010",        "19:40:00",    31730200, "Telephone Visit",  "14-01-2010",    "19:02:00",        "Y",  "14-01-2010",    "19:40:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "9/2/2010",        "17:30:00",    50050591, "Telephone Visit",    "9/2/2010",    "16:34:00",        "Y",    "9/2/2010",    "17:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "9/2/2010",        "17:40:00",    50150350, "Telephone Visit",    "9/2/2010",    "16:57:00",        "Y",    "9/2/2010",    "17:40:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "9/2/2010",        "17:50:00",    88160881, "Telephone Visit",    "9/2/2010",    "17:14:00",        "Y",    "9/2/2010",    "17:50:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "9/2/2010",        "18:00:00",    94240791, "Telephone Visit",    "9/2/2010",    "17:21:00",        "Y",    "9/2/2010",    "18:00:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "9/2/2010",        "18:20:00",    48631025, "Telephone Visit",    "9/2/2010",    "17:36:00",        "Y",    "9/2/2010",    "18:20:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "9/2/2010",        "18:30:00",    52131015, "Telephone Visit",    "9/2/2010",    "17:31:00",        "Y",    "9/2/2010",    "18:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "9/2/2010",        "18:40:00",    72090679, "Telephone Visit",    "9/2/2010",    "17:42:00",        "Y",    "9/2/2010",    "18:40:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "9/2/2010",        "18:50:00",    75271274, "Telephone Visit",    "9/2/2010",    "17:51:00",        "Y",    "9/2/2010",    "18:50:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "9/2/2010",        "19:00:00",    13020455, "Telephone Visit",    "9/2/2010",    "18:18:00",        "Y",    "9/2/2010",    "19:00:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "9/2/2010",        "19:10:00",     4520787, "Telephone Visit",    "9/2/2010",    "18:49:00",        "Y",    "9/2/2010",    "19:10:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "27-02-2010",        "18:15:00",    80620711, "In-Person Visit",  "27-02-2010",    "16:10:00",        "Y",  "27-02-2010",    "18:15:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "27-02-2010",        "18:40:00",    45981296, "Telephone Visit",  "27-02-2010",    "15:21:00",        "Y",  "27-02-2010",    "18:40:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "27-02-2010",        "18:50:00",    99371106, "Telephone Visit",  "27-02-2010",    "15:54:00",        "Y",  "27-02-2010",    "18:50:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "27-02-2010",        "19:15:00",    71101068, "In-Person Visit",  "27-02-2010",    "16:12:00",        "Y",  "27-02-2010",    "19:12:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "27-02-2010",        "19:30:00",    50611359, "Telephone Visit",  "27-02-2010",    "16:08:00",        "Y",  "27-02-2010",    "19:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "27-02-2010",        "19:40:00",    81150308, "Telephone Visit",  "27-02-2010",    "16:17:00",        "Y",  "27-02-2010",    "19:40:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "27-02-2010",        "19:50:00",    54571329, "Telephone Visit",  "27-02-2010",    "16:24:00",        "Y",  "27-02-2010",    "19:50:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "27-02-2010",        "20:15:00",    72661327, "In-Person Visit",  "27-02-2010",    "16:45:00",        "Y",  "27-02-2010",    "20:06:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "27-02-2010",        "20:30:00",    45610365, "In-Person Visit",  "27-02-2010",    "16:46:00",        "Y",  "27-02-2010",    "20:13:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",         "9:00:00",     1581300, "Telephone Visit",  "13-03-2010",    "20:06:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",     "9:00:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",         "9:10:00",    39561301, "Telephone Visit",  "13-03-2010",    "20:50:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",     "9:10:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",         "9:20:00",    45681028, "Telephone Visit",  "13-03-2010",    "21:39:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",     "9:20:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",         "9:30:00",     5770570, "Telephone Visit",  "13-03-2010",    "22:00:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",     "9:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",         "9:40:00",    62970903, "Telephone Visit",  "14-03-2010",     "7:42:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",     "9:40:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",         "9:50:00",     3110251, "Telephone Visit",  "14-03-2010",     "8:26:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "10:01:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "10:10:00",    11260298, "Telephone Visit",  "13-03-2010",    "20:39:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "10:10:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "10:20:00",    39471067, "Telephone Visit",  "14-03-2010",     "8:57:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "10:20:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "10:30:00",    58660262, "Telephone Visit",  "13-03-2010",    "20:46:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "10:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "10:40:00",    46581239, "Telephone Visit",  "14-03-2010",     "9:41:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "10:40:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "10:50:00",      400877, "Telephone Visit",  "14-03-2010",     "9:49:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "10:50:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "11:00:00",    36661178, "Telephone Visit",  "14-03-2010",     "9:59:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "11:00:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "11:20:00",    60820165, "Telephone Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "10:17:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "11:25:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "11:30:00",    51011175, "Telephone Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "10:33:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "11:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "11:40:00",    79631370, "Telephone Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "10:39:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "11:40:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "11:50:00",     6001242, "Telephone Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "10:58:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "11:50:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "12:00:00",    12970773, "Telephone Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "11:12:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "12:00:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "12:10:00",    20090865, "Telephone Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "11:13:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "12:10:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "13:30:00",     4190798, "In-Person Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "10:10:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "13:23:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "13:45:00",    70420937, "In-Person Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "10:38:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "13:15:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "14:00:00",    94661283, "In-Person Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "11:00:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "13:50:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "14:15:00",    91820845, "In-Person Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "11:20:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "14:22:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "14:45:00",    33640992, "In-Person Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "11:58:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "14:41:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "15:00:00",    99420809, "In-Person Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "14:05:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "14:58:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "15:15:00",    76811285, "In-Person Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "13:14:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "15:12:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "15:30:00",    70620487, "In-Person Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "13:47:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "15:52:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "16:00:00",    77080452, "In-Person Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "13:25:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "16:01:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "16:15:00",    59640859, "In-Person Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "15:16:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "16:13:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "16:30:00",    53681327, "In-Person Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "14:27:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "16:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "16:45:00",    66020217, "In-Person Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "16:13:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "16:18:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",         "9:00:00",    48950239, "Telephone Visit",  "17-04-2010",    "19:02:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",     "9:00:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",         "9:10:00",    55720597, "Telephone Visit",  "17-04-2010",    "19:02:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",     "9:10:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",         "9:20:00",    63270206, "Telephone Visit",  "17-04-2010",    "20:18:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",     "9:20:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",         "9:30:00",    34350507, "Telephone Visit",  "17-04-2010",    "20:24:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",     "9:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",         "9:40:00",    85410790, "Telephone Visit",  "17-04-2010",    "21:25:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",     "9:40:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",         "9:50:00",    58760397, "Telephone Visit",  "17-04-2010",    "23:00:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",     "9:50:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "10:10:00",    17091324, "Telephone Visit",  "17-04-2010",    "23:55:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "10:10:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "10:20:00",    27551239, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",     "7:24:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "10:20:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "10:30:00",    44910588, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",     "7:50:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "10:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "10:40:00",    84710811, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",     "8:21:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "10:40:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "10:50:00",     2031008, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",     "8:25:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "10:50:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "11:00:00",    57051304, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",     "8:30:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "11:00:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "11:20:00",    80430721, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",     "8:52:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "11:20:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "11:30:00",    35181170, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",     "9:00:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "11:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "11:40:00",    23941141, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",     "9:29:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "11:40:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "11:50:00",    81780581, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",     "9:35:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "11:50:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "12:00:00",    84921325, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",     "9:47:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "12:00:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "12:10:00",     7840708, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "10:02:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "12:10:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "13:30:00",    90890843, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "10:03:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "13:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "13:40:00",    65520243, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "10:03:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "13:40:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "13:50:00",    51631371, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "10:22:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "13:50:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "14:00:00",    39541320, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "11:16:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "14:00:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "14:10:00",    78741252, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "11:00:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "14:10:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "14:20:00",    30201029, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "11:29:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "14:20:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "14:40:00",    36581376, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "12:01:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "14:40:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "14:50:00",     5630527, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "12:22:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "14:50:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "15:00:00",     9030189, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "12:28:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "15:00:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "15:10:00",    86610579, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "13:49:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "15:10:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "15:20:00",    88050532, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "14:24:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "15:20:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "15:30:00",    11900820, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "14:16:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "15:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "16:20:00",    65560364, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "15:46:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "16:00:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "17:10:00",    84680527, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "16:38:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "17:10:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "7/5/2010",        "17:30:00",    21130631, "Telephone Visit",    "7/5/2010",    "16:38:00",        "Y",    "7/5/2010",    "17:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "7/5/2010",        "17:40:00",    66380930, "Telephone Visit",    "7/5/2010",    "16:49:00",        "Y",    "7/5/2010",    "17:40:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "7/5/2010",        "17:50:00",    57270715, "Telephone Visit",    "7/5/2010",    "17:08:00",        "Y",    "7/5/2010",    "17:50:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "7/5/2010",        "18:00:00",    74590916, "Telephone Visit",    "7/5/2010",    "16:42:00",        "Y",    "7/5/2010",    "18:00:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "7/5/2010",        "18:10:00",    48591358, "Telephone Visit",    "7/5/2010",    "17:36:00",        "Y",    "7/5/2010",    "18:10:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "7/5/2010",        "18:20:00",    48380640, "Telephone Visit",    "7/5/2010",    "17:27:00",        "Y",    "7/5/2010",    "18:20:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "7/5/2010",        "18:30:00",    83630529, "Telephone Visit",    "7/5/2010",    "17:39:00",        "Y",    "7/5/2010",    "18:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "7/5/2010",        "18:50:00",    24990769, "Telephone Visit",    "7/5/2010",    "17:43:00",        "N",            NA,            NA,
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "7/5/2010",        "19:00:00",    93730683, "Telephone Visit",    "7/5/2010",    "17:41:00",        "Y",    "7/5/2010",    "19:00:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "7/5/2010",        "19:10:00",    90720562, "Telephone Visit",    "7/5/2010",    "17:52:00",        "Y",    "7/5/2010",    "19:10:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "7/5/2010",        "19:20:00",     9130746, "Telephone Visit",    "7/5/2010",    "18:07:00",        "Y",    "7/5/2010",    "19:20:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "7/5/2010",        "19:30:00",    41390157, "Telephone Visit",    "7/5/2010",    "18:42:00",        "Y",    "7/5/2010",    "19:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "7/5/2010",        "19:40:00",    30790850, "Telephone Visit",    "7/5/2010",    "19:05:00",        "N",            NA,            NA,
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-05-2010",        "17:30:00",    15100895, "Telephone Visit",  "14-05-2010",    "16:27:00",        "Y",  "14-05-2010",    "17:30:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-05-2010",        "17:40:00",     8820665, "Telephone Visit",  "14-05-2010",    "16:44:00",        "Y",  "14-05-2010",    "17:40:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-05-2010",        "17:50:00",    24480005, "Telephone Visit",  "14-05-2010",    "17:02:00",        "Y",  "14-05-2010",    "17:50:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-05-2010",        "18:00:00",    90990756, "Telephone Visit",  "14-05-2010",    "16:49:00",        "Y",  "14-05-2010",    "18:00:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-05-2010",        "18:10:00",    10490595, "Telephone Visit",  "14-05-2010",    "17:06:00",        "Y",  "14-05-2010",    "18:10:00",
    "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-05-2010",        "18:20:00",    98521117, "Telephone Visit",  "14-05-2010",    "17:22:00",        "Y",  "14-05-2010",    "18:20:00"

Created on 2019-02-24 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

Sent DM to OP about potentially PPI or private data here.

One issue is that there are 102 rows that have dates (booking, checkin, and appointment) do not parse with mdy from lubridate - these appear to be in a different format. There are 12 distinct dates for APPOINTMENT_DATE,
and six appear to be in DD-MM-YYYY format, while the other six are in MM/DD/YYYY format. I am guessing that this is a big part of the problem.

  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "4/12/2009",        "17:30:00",    12210741, "Telephone Visit",   "4/12/2009",    "15:05:00",        "Y",   "4/12/2009",    "17:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "4/12/2009",        "17:40:00",     5491175, "Telephone Visit",   "4/12/2009",    "16:15:00",        "Y",   "4/12/2009",    "17:40:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "4/12/2009",        "17:50:00",    15740599, "Telephone Visit",   "4/12/2009",    "16:43:00",        "Y",   "4/12/2009",    "17:50:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "4/12/2009",        "18:00:00",    80420422, "Telephone Visit",   "4/12/2009",    "16:53:00",        "Y",   "4/12/2009",    "18:00:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "4/12/2009",        "18:10:00",    86030202, "Telephone Visit",   "4/12/2009",    "16:57:00",        "Y",   "4/12/2009",    "18:10:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "4/12/2009",        "18:20:00",    68651098, "Telephone Visit",   "4/12/2009",    "17:14:00",        "Y",   "4/12/2009",    "18:20:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "4/12/2009",        "18:30:00",    91221095, "Telephone Visit",   "4/12/2009",    "17:01:00",        "Y",   "4/12/2009",    "18:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "4/12/2009",        "18:50:00",    45771319, "Telephone Visit",   "4/12/2009",    "17:16:00",        "Y",   "4/12/2009",    "18:50:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "4/12/2009",        "19:00:00",    63531063, "Telephone Visit",   "4/12/2009",    "17:25:00",        "Y",   "4/12/2009",    "19:00:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "4/12/2009",        "19:10:00",    96011310, "Telephone Visit",   "4/12/2009",    "17:47:00",        "Y",   "4/12/2009",    "19:10:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "4/12/2009",        "19:20:00",     1071301, "Telephone Visit",   "4/12/2009",    "17:54:00",        "Y",   "4/12/2009",    "19:20:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "4/12/2009",        "19:30:00",    28841329, "Telephone Visit",   "4/12/2009",    "18:21:00",        "Y",   "4/12/2009",    "19:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "4/12/2009",        "19:40:00",    95001285, "Telephone Visit",   "4/12/2009",    "18:40:00",        "Y",   "4/12/2009",    "19:40:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "8/12/2009",        "17:30:00",    43170522, "Telephone Visit",   "8/12/2009",    "15:12:00",        "Y",   "8/12/2009",    "17:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "8/12/2009",        "17:40:00",    85241162, "Telephone Visit",   "8/12/2009",    "17:38:00",        "Y",   "8/12/2009",    "17:47:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "8/12/2009",        "18:00:00",     3340506, "Telephone Visit",   "8/12/2009",    "17:58:00",        "Y",   "8/12/2009",    "18:00:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "8/12/2009",        "18:20:00",    76670349, "Telephone Visit",   "8/12/2009",    "17:49:00",        "Y",   "8/12/2009",    "18:20:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "8/12/2009",        "18:30:00",    62731301, "Telephone Visit",   "8/12/2009",    "17:56:00",        "Y",   "8/12/2009",    "18:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "8/12/2009",        "19:00:00",     3731365, "Telephone Visit",   "8/12/2009",    "18:07:00",        "Y",   "8/12/2009",    "19:00:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "8/12/2009",        "19:10:00",    97390513, "Telephone Visit",   "8/12/2009",    "18:56:00",        "Y",   "8/12/2009",    "19:10:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "31-12-2009",        "17:30:00",    63181235, "Telephone Visit",  "31-12-2009",    "15:19:00",        "Y",  "31-12-2009",    "17:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "31-12-2009",        "17:40:00",    69411106, "Telephone Visit",  "31-12-2009",    "16:38:00",        "Y",  "31-12-2009",    "17:40:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "31-12-2009",        "17:50:00",    45160188, "Telephone Visit",  "31-12-2009",    "16:54:00",        "Y",  "31-12-2009",    "17:50:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "31-12-2009",        "18:00:00",    91450306, "Telephone Visit",  "31-12-2009",    "16:53:00",        "Y",  "31-12-2009",    "18:00:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "31-12-2009",        "18:10:00",     5050502, "Telephone Visit",  "31-12-2009",    "17:09:00",        "Y",  "31-12-2009",    "18:10:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "31-12-2009",        "18:20:00",    75900475, "Telephone Visit",  "31-12-2009",    "17:19:00",        "Y",  "31-12-2009",    "18:20:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "31-12-2009",        "18:30:00",    20340517, "Telephone Visit",  "31-12-2009",    "17:32:00",        "Y",  "31-12-2009",    "18:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "31-12-2009",        "18:50:00",     9370441, "Telephone Visit",  "31-12-2009",    "17:57:00",        "Y",  "31-12-2009",    "18:50:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "31-12-2009",        "19:00:00",    91431322, "Telephone Visit",  "31-12-2009",    "17:58:00",        "Y",  "31-12-2009",    "19:00:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "31-12-2009",        "19:10:00",    83251369, "Telephone Visit",  "31-12-2009",    "18:42:00",        "Y",  "31-12-2009",    "19:10:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "31-12-2009",        "19:30:00",    82490338, "Telephone Visit",  "31-12-2009",    "16:12:00",        "Y",  "31-12-2009",    "19:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "31-12-2009",        "19:40:00",    90960652, "Telephone Visit",  "31-12-2009",    "19:00:00",        "Y",  "31-12-2009",    "19:40:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "8/1/2010",        "17:30:00",    54330589, "Telephone Visit",    "8/1/2010",    "16:41:00",        "P",            NA,            NA,
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "8/1/2010",        "17:40:00",    65701082, "Telephone Visit",    "8/1/2010",    "16:37:00",        "P",            NA,            NA,
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "8/1/2010",        "17:50:00",    97241181, "Telephone Visit",    "8/1/2010",    "16:49:00",        "P",            NA,            NA,
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "8/1/2010",        "18:00:00",    51920445, "Telephone Visit",    "8/1/2010",    "16:46:00",        "P",            NA,            NA,
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "8/1/2010",        "18:10:00",    91940202, "Telephone Visit",    "8/1/2010",    "17:00:00",        "P",            NA,            NA,
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "8/1/2010",        "18:20:00",    54330589, "Telephone Visit",    "8/1/2010",    "17:07:00",        "P",            NA,            NA,
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "8/1/2010",        "18:30:00",    60380961, "Telephone Visit",    "8/1/2010",    "17:07:00",        "P",            NA,            NA,
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "8/1/2010",        "18:50:00",     7230637, "Telephone Visit",    "8/1/2010",    "17:16:00",        "P",            NA,            NA,
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "8/1/2010",        "19:00:00",      370185, "Telephone Visit",    "8/1/2010",    "17:39:00",        "P",            NA,            NA,
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "8/1/2010",        "19:10:00",    91401298, "Telephone Visit",    "8/1/2010",    "17:45:00",        "P",            NA,            NA,
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "8/1/2010",        "19:20:00",    98480513, "Telephone Visit",    "8/1/2010",    "18:02:00",        "P",            NA,            NA,
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "8/1/2010",        "19:30:00",    39531029, "Telephone Visit",    "8/1/2010",    "18:05:00",        "P",            NA,            NA,
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "8/1/2010",        "19:40:00",    20691046, "Telephone Visit",    "8/1/2010",    "18:12:00",        "P",            NA,            NA,
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "10/1/2010",        "19:00:00",    39280227, "Telephone Visit",   "10/1/2010",    "16:20:00",        "N",            NA,            NA,
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "10/1/2010",        "19:10:00",    32030482, "Telephone Visit",   "10/1/2010",    "16:38:00",        "N",            NA,            NA,
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "10/1/2010",        "19:20:00",    37071301, "Telephone Visit",   "10/1/2010",    "18:17:00",        "N",            NA,            NA,
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,       "10/1/2010",        "19:45:00",    87420744, "In-Person Visit",   "10/1/2010",    "19:11:00",        "Y",   "10/1/2010",    "19:35:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-01-2010",        "17:30:00",    71870098, "Telephone Visit",  "14-01-2010",    "16:23:00",        "Y",  "14-01-2010",    "17:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-01-2010",        "17:40:00",    82130578, "Telephone Visit",  "14-01-2010",    "17:07:00",        "Y",  "14-01-2010",    "17:40:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-01-2010",        "17:50:00",    40570786, "Telephone Visit",  "14-01-2010",    "17:10:00",        "Y",  "14-01-2010",    "17:50:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-01-2010",        "18:00:00",    86170552, "Telephone Visit",  "14-01-2010",    "16:42:00",        "Y",  "14-01-2010",    "18:00:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-01-2010",        "18:10:00",    65150619, "Telephone Visit",  "14-01-2010",    "17:19:00",        "Y",  "14-01-2010",    "18:10:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-01-2010",        "18:20:00",    11851156, "Telephone Visit",  "14-01-2010",    "17:59:00",        "Y",  "14-01-2010",    "18:20:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-01-2010",        "18:30:00",    13911370, "Telephone Visit",  "14-01-2010",    "17:43:00",        "Y",  "14-01-2010",    "18:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-01-2010",        "18:50:00",    86680304, "Telephone Visit",  "14-01-2010",    "18:06:00",        "Y",  "14-01-2010",    "18:50:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-01-2010",        "19:00:00",    69110801, "Telephone Visit",  "14-01-2010",    "17:49:00",        "Y",  "14-01-2010",    "19:00:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-01-2010",        "19:10:00",    72930309, "Telephone Visit",  "14-01-2010",    "18:21:00",        "Y",  "14-01-2010",    "19:10:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-01-2010",        "19:20:00",    76391368, "Telephone Visit",  "14-01-2010",    "18:09:00",        "Y",  "14-01-2010",    "19:20:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-01-2010",        "19:30:00",    38580322, "Telephone Visit",  "14-01-2010",    "18:44:00",        "Y",  "14-01-2010",    "19:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-01-2010",        "19:40:00",    31730200, "Telephone Visit",  "14-01-2010",    "19:02:00",        "Y",  "14-01-2010",    "19:40:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "9/2/2010",        "17:30:00",    50050591, "Telephone Visit",    "9/2/2010",    "16:34:00",        "Y",    "9/2/2010",    "17:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "9/2/2010",        "17:40:00",    50150350, "Telephone Visit",    "9/2/2010",    "16:57:00",        "Y",    "9/2/2010",    "17:40:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "9/2/2010",        "17:50:00",    88160881, "Telephone Visit",    "9/2/2010",    "17:14:00",        "Y",    "9/2/2010",    "17:50:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "9/2/2010",        "18:00:00",    94240791, "Telephone Visit",    "9/2/2010",    "17:21:00",        "Y",    "9/2/2010",    "18:00:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "9/2/2010",        "18:20:00",    48631025, "Telephone Visit",    "9/2/2010",    "17:36:00",        "Y",    "9/2/2010",    "18:20:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "9/2/2010",        "18:30:00",    52131015, "Telephone Visit",    "9/2/2010",    "17:31:00",        "Y",    "9/2/2010",    "18:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "9/2/2010",        "18:40:00",    72090679, "Telephone Visit",    "9/2/2010",    "17:42:00",        "Y",    "9/2/2010",    "18:40:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "9/2/2010",        "18:50:00",    75271274, "Telephone Visit",    "9/2/2010",    "17:51:00",        "Y",    "9/2/2010",    "18:50:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "9/2/2010",        "19:00:00",    13020455, "Telephone Visit",    "9/2/2010",    "18:18:00",        "Y",    "9/2/2010",    "19:00:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "9/2/2010",        "19:10:00",     4520787, "Telephone Visit",    "9/2/2010",    "18:49:00",        "Y",    "9/2/2010",    "19:10:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "27-02-2010",        "18:15:00",    80620711, "In-Person Visit",  "27-02-2010",    "16:10:00",        "Y",  "27-02-2010",    "18:15:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "27-02-2010",        "18:40:00",    45981296, "Telephone Visit",  "27-02-2010",    "15:21:00",        "Y",  "27-02-2010",    "18:40:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "27-02-2010",        "18:50:00",    99371106, "Telephone Visit",  "27-02-2010",    "15:54:00",        "Y",  "27-02-2010",    "18:50:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "27-02-2010",        "19:15:00",    71101068, "In-Person Visit",  "27-02-2010",    "16:12:00",        "Y",  "27-02-2010",    "19:12:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "27-02-2010",        "19:30:00",    50611359, "Telephone Visit",  "27-02-2010",    "16:08:00",        "Y",  "27-02-2010",    "19:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "27-02-2010",        "19:40:00",    81150308, "Telephone Visit",  "27-02-2010",    "16:17:00",        "Y",  "27-02-2010",    "19:40:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "27-02-2010",        "19:50:00",    54571329, "Telephone Visit",  "27-02-2010",    "16:24:00",        "Y",  "27-02-2010",    "19:50:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "27-02-2010",        "20:15:00",    72661327, "In-Person Visit",  "27-02-2010",    "16:45:00",        "Y",  "27-02-2010",    "20:06:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "27-02-2010",        "20:30:00",    45610365, "In-Person Visit",  "27-02-2010",    "16:46:00",        "Y",  "27-02-2010",    "20:13:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",         "9:00:00",     1581300, "Telephone Visit",  "13-03-2010",    "20:06:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",     "9:00:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",         "9:10:00",    39561301, "Telephone Visit",  "13-03-2010",    "20:50:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",     "9:10:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",         "9:20:00",    45681028, "Telephone Visit",  "13-03-2010",    "21:39:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",     "9:20:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",         "9:30:00",     5770570, "Telephone Visit",  "13-03-2010",    "22:00:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",     "9:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",         "9:40:00",    62970903, "Telephone Visit",  "14-03-2010",     "7:42:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",     "9:40:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",         "9:50:00",     3110251, "Telephone Visit",  "14-03-2010",     "8:26:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "10:01:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "10:10:00",    11260298, "Telephone Visit",  "13-03-2010",    "20:39:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "10:10:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "10:20:00",    39471067, "Telephone Visit",  "14-03-2010",     "8:57:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "10:20:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "10:30:00",    58660262, "Telephone Visit",  "13-03-2010",    "20:46:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "10:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "10:40:00",    46581239, "Telephone Visit",  "14-03-2010",     "9:41:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "10:40:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "10:50:00",      400877, "Telephone Visit",  "14-03-2010",     "9:49:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "10:50:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "11:00:00",    36661178, "Telephone Visit",  "14-03-2010",     "9:59:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "11:00:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "11:20:00",    60820165, "Telephone Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "10:17:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "11:25:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "11:30:00",    51011175, "Telephone Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "10:33:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "11:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "11:40:00",    79631370, "Telephone Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "10:39:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "11:40:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "11:50:00",     6001242, "Telephone Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "10:58:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "11:50:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "12:00:00",    12970773, "Telephone Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "11:12:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "12:00:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "12:10:00",    20090865, "Telephone Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "11:13:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "12:10:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "13:30:00",     4190798, "In-Person Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "10:10:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "13:23:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "13:45:00",    70420937, "In-Person Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "10:38:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "13:15:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "14:00:00",    94661283, "In-Person Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "11:00:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "13:50:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "14:15:00",    91820845, "In-Person Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "11:20:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "14:22:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "14:45:00",    33640992, "In-Person Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "11:58:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "14:41:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "15:00:00",    99420809, "In-Person Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "14:05:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "14:58:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "15:15:00",    76811285, "In-Person Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "13:14:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "15:12:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "15:30:00",    70620487, "In-Person Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "13:47:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "15:52:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "16:00:00",    77080452, "In-Person Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "13:25:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "16:01:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "16:15:00",    59640859, "In-Person Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "15:16:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "16:13:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "16:30:00",    53681327, "In-Person Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "14:27:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "16:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-03-2010",        "16:45:00",    66020217, "In-Person Visit",  "14-03-2010",    "16:13:00",        "Y",  "14-03-2010",    "16:18:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",         "9:00:00",    48950239, "Telephone Visit",  "17-04-2010",    "19:02:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",     "9:00:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",         "9:10:00",    55720597, "Telephone Visit",  "17-04-2010",    "19:02:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",     "9:10:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",         "9:20:00",    63270206, "Telephone Visit",  "17-04-2010",    "20:18:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",     "9:20:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",         "9:30:00",    34350507, "Telephone Visit",  "17-04-2010",    "20:24:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",     "9:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",         "9:40:00",    85410790, "Telephone Visit",  "17-04-2010",    "21:25:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",     "9:40:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",         "9:50:00",    58760397, "Telephone Visit",  "17-04-2010",    "23:00:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",     "9:50:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "10:10:00",    17091324, "Telephone Visit",  "17-04-2010",    "23:55:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "10:10:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "10:20:00",    27551239, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",     "7:24:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "10:20:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "10:30:00",    44910588, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",     "7:50:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "10:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "10:40:00",    84710811, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",     "8:21:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "10:40:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "10:50:00",     2031008, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",     "8:25:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "10:50:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "11:00:00",    57051304, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",     "8:30:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "11:00:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "11:20:00",    80430721, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",     "8:52:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "11:20:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "11:30:00",    35181170, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",     "9:00:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "11:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "11:40:00",    23941141, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",     "9:29:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "11:40:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "11:50:00",    81780581, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",     "9:35:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "11:50:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "12:00:00",    84921325, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",     "9:47:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "12:00:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "12:10:00",     7840708, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "10:02:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "12:10:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "13:30:00",    90890843, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "10:03:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "13:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "13:40:00",    65520243, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "10:03:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "13:40:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "13:50:00",    51631371, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "10:22:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "13:50:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "14:00:00",    39541320, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "11:16:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "14:00:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "14:10:00",    78741252, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "11:00:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "14:10:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "14:20:00",    30201029, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "11:29:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "14:20:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "14:40:00",    36581376, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "12:01:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "14:40:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "14:50:00",     5630527, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "12:22:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "14:50:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "15:00:00",     9030189, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "12:28:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "15:00:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "15:10:00",    86610579, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "13:49:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "15:10:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "15:20:00",    88050532, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "14:24:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "15:20:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "15:30:00",    11900820, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "14:16:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "15:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "16:20:00",    65560364, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "15:46:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "16:00:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "18-04-2010",        "17:10:00",    84680527, "Telephone Visit",  "18-04-2010",    "16:38:00",        "Y",  "18-04-2010",    "17:10:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "7/5/2010",        "17:30:00",    21130631, "Telephone Visit",    "7/5/2010",    "16:38:00",        "Y",    "7/5/2010",    "17:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "7/5/2010",        "17:40:00",    66380930, "Telephone Visit",    "7/5/2010",    "16:49:00",        "Y",    "7/5/2010",    "17:40:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "7/5/2010",        "17:50:00",    57270715, "Telephone Visit",    "7/5/2010",    "17:08:00",        "Y",    "7/5/2010",    "17:50:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "7/5/2010",        "18:00:00",    74590916, "Telephone Visit",    "7/5/2010",    "16:42:00",        "Y",    "7/5/2010",    "18:00:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "7/5/2010",        "18:10:00",    48591358, "Telephone Visit",    "7/5/2010",    "17:36:00",        "Y",    "7/5/2010",    "18:10:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "7/5/2010",        "18:20:00",    48380640, "Telephone Visit",    "7/5/2010",    "17:27:00",        "Y",    "7/5/2010",    "18:20:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "7/5/2010",        "18:30:00",    83630529, "Telephone Visit",    "7/5/2010",    "17:39:00",        "Y",    "7/5/2010",    "18:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "7/5/2010",        "18:50:00",    24990769, "Telephone Visit",    "7/5/2010",    "17:43:00",        "N",            NA,            NA,
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "7/5/2010",        "19:00:00",    93730683, "Telephone Visit",    "7/5/2010",    "17:41:00",        "Y",    "7/5/2010",    "19:00:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "7/5/2010",        "19:10:00",    90720562, "Telephone Visit",    "7/5/2010",    "17:52:00",        "Y",    "7/5/2010",    "19:10:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "7/5/2010",        "19:20:00",     9130746, "Telephone Visit",    "7/5/2010",    "18:07:00",        "Y",    "7/5/2010",    "19:20:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "7/5/2010",        "19:30:00",    41390157, "Telephone Visit",    "7/5/2010",    "18:42:00",        "Y",    "7/5/2010",    "19:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,        "7/5/2010",        "19:40:00",    30790850, "Telephone Visit",    "7/5/2010",    "19:05:00",        "N",            NA,            NA,
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-05-2010",        "17:30:00",    15100895, "Telephone Visit",  "14-05-2010",    "16:27:00",        "Y",  "14-05-2010",    "17:30:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-05-2010",        "17:40:00",     8820665, "Telephone Visit",  "14-05-2010",    "16:44:00",        "Y",  "14-05-2010",    "17:40:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-05-2010",        "17:50:00",    24480005, "Telephone Visit",  "14-05-2010",    "17:02:00",        "Y",  "14-05-2010",    "17:50:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-05-2010",        "18:00:00",    90990756, "Telephone Visit",  "14-05-2010",    "16:49:00",        "Y",  "14-05-2010",    "18:00:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-05-2010",        "18:10:00",    10490595, "Telephone Visit",  "14-05-2010",    "17:06:00",        "Y",  "14-05-2010",    "18:10:00",
  "SCH",       "MED",     67350046,      "14-05-2010",        "18:20:00",    98521117, "Telephone Visit",  "14-05-2010",    "17:22:00",        "Y",  "14-05-2010",    "18:20:00"

# data is now in dataframe s

#Let us convert dates from character to proper dates

#> Attaching package: 'lubridate'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base':
#>     date
#>  [1] "FACILITY"         "DEPARTMENT"       "PROVIDER_ID"     
#> [10] "SHOW_CODE"        "CHECKIN_DATE"     "CHECKIN_TIME"

mutate(BOOKING_DATE = mdy(BOOKING_DATE)) %>% 
mutate(CHECKIN_DATE = mdy(CHECKIN_DATE)) %>% 

## note that there is a problem with 102 dates failing to parse
## Let us look at these

#> Warning: 102 failed to parse.

#> Warning: 102 failed to parse.

#> Warning: 102 failed to parse.
#> Error: Must use a vector in `[`, not an object of class matrix.

## OK two different date formats. this is likely the problem. #
## Possibly fixable with a casewhen #

s %>% 
mutate(BOOKING_DATE = case_when(
grepl("-", BOOKING_DATE) ~ dmy(BOOKING_DATE),
grepl("/", BOOKING_DATE) ~ mdy(BOOKING_DATE))) ->
#> Warning: 102 failed to parse.

#> 2009-04-12 2009-08-12 2009-12-31 2010-01-14 2010-02-27 2010-03-13 
#>         13          7         12         13          9          6 
#> 2010-03-14 2010-04-17 2010-04-18 2010-05-14 2010-07-05 2010-08-01 
#>         24          7         25          6         13         13 
#> 2010-09-02 2010-10-01 
#>         10          4

## Now let us try to find the gap in days
## and see if we still get negative #s

s2 %>% 
group_by(PROVIDER_ID) %>% 
arrange(BOOKING_DATE) %>% 
mutate(days_gap = BOOKING_DATE - lag(BOOKING_DATE)) %>% 
select(PROVIDER_ID, BOOKING_DATE, days_gap) ->

#>   0   1  14  26  27  29  32  34  44  52 122 141 
#> 148   2   2   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1

Created on 2019-02-24 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)strong text

There are two formats for dates in your data, mixed in the same column.
This occurs for all three date columns.
It looks like the dates with dashes are day-month-year, while those with forward slashes are month/day/year.
Kind of a data nightmare.
Fortunately grepl allows you to detect when a dash or a forward slash is present, and mutate(case_when) allows you to use the right date formatting for each case.

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