Council housing & neighborhood income inequality in Vienna
Authors: Matthias Schnetzer
Read the closeread article: Council housing & neighbourhood income inequality in Vienna
Reproducible repo: GitHub - mschnetzer/scrollytell_gemeindebau
This closeread story is a summary of a research paper published in "Urban Studies". It deals with council housing in Vienna (Austria) and its links to neighborhood income inequality. The website shows the evolution and distribution of council housing and guides through the empirical analysis of the paper.
Full Description
Vienna features a unique model of council housing that accounts for roughly 25% of all residential dwellings. This paper studies whether the broad provision of council housing is linked with a higher social mix in the neighbourhood. The analysis is based on administrative wage tax data at a small-scale raster grid of 500x500 meter with neighborhood income inequality as an indicator for the social mix. Spatial econometric models show that council housing is associated with lower average incomes but a slightly higher social mix in the neighborhood.